Despite political battle over results: Presidential candidate swears self in as president, other reacts

A Presidential candidate identified as Umaro Sissoco Embalo swore himself in as the new president of Guinea-Bissau, VAM News has gathered.

Umaro Sissoco Embalo swore himself in as the new president of Guinea-Bissau

According to reports, On Thursday,  in an ongoing row about the outcome of the December 29 elections, an AFP reporter saw.

Full statement:
“I swear on my honour to defend the constitution, to respect it and have it respected,” Embalo said before a crowd at an upscale hotel in the West African state’s capital, Bissau.

The ceremony took place despite a continuing legal and political battle over the official results.

Defeated candidate Domingos Simoes Pereira has filed a suit at the Supreme Court.

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