Y. O. U
There are common network people tends to subscribe to. They are Keen subscribers of this network. The network has provided them with different tariff which they seem to be comfortable with.
Do you care about the network? Do you want to be a subscriber of the network and enjoy its low tariff? It up to you to decide.

The word "you" as documented by the dictionary is used to refer to the person or people been spoken or written to. If you are living, then this is for you.
During the birth process, babies are born individually without attachment to anybody, place or things. But as they get along in the journey of life, they tend to associate themselves with something or somebody they pick interest in, after a while it becomes their nature. But we often forget that creations are created specially. Everyone has a trait, features that are peculiar to their purpose of existence. God is a maker of originality and not photocopy.
Hence, YOU as I term the article refers to Your Own Uniqueness.
The sum total of your feat in life matters on you. We are affected by what we see, hear and feel. God has deposited in every one of us treasures of ideas, thoughts and imaginations that can give our life a better meaning and also takes the world to its anticipated euphoria.
The Genesis of creation was on the basis of originality. Creations are Germaine and not representative of other person's or a mirage of models or mentor. The Clarion call here is to look in-depth of you and dig through the horizon layer in us and find our innate ability and capability, except that, reaching the zenith of success to such individual may just be a mirage and not manifestation.
Dear Reader, you are unique and you are nobody's photocopy. Even identical twins don't have identical or similar ability or gift. Brothers of the same parent do not too. In the Bible, Jabal was a cattle rearer, Jubal was a musician. Though the same parents, yet different skills.
I read of a man named Ali Hafed . He owned a field but sold it out in pursuit of a diamond mine. He wandered through the Earth in search of a diamond mine. On this course, he became poor. One day, the person he sold the land to, brought his cattle to drink water from a pool. As the cattle drank, he saw a flashy object in the pool. Behold it was a diamond, not just a diamond, but the most magnificent mine in all history -- the diamond mine of Golconda. What he sought after was inside him, but fail to discover it and now it has become someone's else.
There is a field inside of you. But you are about selling it to purchase what you won't get. Learn from Ali Hafed, take time to dig up the treasures in you.
I learnt from an online Bible class hosted by Olubisose Samuel. He said, "you won't do what you think you don't know how to do."
Your intentions really matter in becoming the real you.
Your intentions become your thoughts, and your thoughts become your attitude.
Do you think you are an empty barrel? It is only a function of your thought. Get it off!
Bill Gates said, "Don't compare yourself to anyone, if you do, you are mocking yourself." Stop justifying the measure of your life by someone else's standard.
It is imperative to note this, oftentimes we see people claiming themselves to be heir to a well-known figure. There is nothing like "arole", Express your identity too and let it be known.
The real you need you to unsubscribe from the photocopy network and subscribe to the unique network that is in you.
You are who you think you are. It's in you! Forget not, It is all about Your Own Uniqueness.
Oluwole ADT
Writer, motivational speaker, Compere.
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