Letter to the outgoing NYSC members 👩🏻‍🎓

One of the most beautiful, exciting, enjoyable and preferred moments in one's life, is to successfully complete  any undergoing programme(s).

The following is your new phrase; if I could guess right.
Corps members during the Anti HIV&AIDS CDS group sentforth match with All star FC Tube in Ipokia local government of Ogun state(Photo by VAM gallery) 
Veni, vidi, vici 
I came, I saw, I conquered

Yes! Without any iota of doubt, you truly conquered so many hurdles associated with the programme that was tied to your future employment in Nigeria long before your existence as a human being. 

First and foremost, l want to employ this platform to congratulate you for successfully getting to the end of your post higher institution mandatory programme.

School or campus life is different from the NYSC life; I don't need to tell you such, you just experienced the distinction, but the most wearisome and frustrating experience is, life after NYSC without employment or source(s) of income.

Those jobs you think that are outside the four-wall of your Alma Mater, are nothing but utopian, illusion or let me say perhaps you  hallucinating.

This is the appropriate time for you to drop that your over hyped statement (I'm a graduate) and swiftly swing into a profitable action, who graduate help? Roll up your sleeves and do something to better your dear life. 

All the skills you learn or acquired during the programme must be put to practice if indeed you don't want to join the league of lamenters and wailers. 

Indeed! The successive governments of this country have over the years failed you as a citizen. In spite of the fact! Must you also fail yourself?

Don't tell me you don't have any savings for the duration of 12-Month programme. Please read the following interview and draw some inspiration from it, I read the interview over three years ago

To be successful as an entrepreneur, You must control your expenditures, go and ask or read the stories of successful entrepreneurs home and abroad, at the initial stage of their businesses they hardly spend lavishly/extravagantly except some fraudsters among them.

The most important advice

If you don't have any business idea or no one to support your entrepreneurial skills, please don't be selective, DO ANY JOB YOU SEE AROUND YOU EVEN WORKING IN A PURE WATER FACTORY IS ALLOWED. Remember, _the devil makes work for idle hands to do’._ 


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