Unizik SUG Embarks on projects few days to handover

By Joshua Nicholas

The Comr. Joseph Chinemerem Okafor led SUG administration of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka still Embarks on projects few days to end of tenure.

The SUG leader took to his social media wall to reiterate his commitment towards the inclusive involvement of every part (Campus) of the institution in his development plan. 
He said, he won't relent in doing his best to ensure every campus feels the impart of his government.

You will recall that most of the projects of Comr. Joseph Okafor have been featured in the United Nations Development Programme UNDP, Sustainable Development Goals agenda SDGs, and has this been commended by the United Nations as one of the great and young African leaders who has decided to do his best to improve the African continent and alleviate the sufferings in Sub-Saharan Africa.

"We are not resting on our oars 
Our time is almost up but we are still bent on putting smiles on the faces of Zikites. This is for school of Pharmaceutical Sciences Agulu.
They are part of the students Union and need to feel our impacts too." Comr. Joseph Okafor (NAU SUG President)

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