Therefore signs of the perilous season would keep occupying me with serious thoughts of overbearing gravity, the pleasurable grace of its hands would almost blindfold my intelligent mentor which has its house somewhere in my skull, beneath the head.

Do I get myself acclimatized with the roaring tempest that is almost sweeping the whole world or the humiliating weather that would keep raising giants who could endure the arrow of God, the rod and spear.
The confused state of the elders is enough to call your bluff, not even when they rely on the children at the bank of river death,   I had better enter into the deep sea, dive as I dine with the goddess of the river, don't you think that tallies the democratic dividends since it wont unfold in the seed of politics.
Politics wouldn't have been game only if it would be spearheaded by renowned technocrats who already learnt the rudiments, the intricacies which dictates how the  go goes and in civilized climes where you don't have jokers but tailors.

The thing becomes game when you have a mediocre hold the bat, playing the air as if it were a man, do we get the spirits catch the air?
The story that unveiled OMONIYI could be synonymous to that of foremost Guru Maharaj who once died like Christ and would assuredly make provisions for replicating resurrection at the third day, his plans were thwarted though and with earth quaking thunder that successfully rocked him to earth.
I heard he pitched himself a kingdom in Ibadan where friends visit for counsels, he recently foretold the success of our president at the polls and would as well promise him peace with Maharaj faithfuls as ministers, do they minister justice to NJC too? My perspective about Maharaj shouldn't be mistaken for that power monger but an ordinary cheap prey who derives strength in nature, a product of one superior being who had been so lenient with the gentiles.

He doubles as a revelation of the spoilt world, the indomitable atmosphere that had now yielded to the entreaties of the dicasts, conceding to hell is wow, yeah.
There is this other story cited by that renowned mystical journalist, Akolawole Olawuyi, it stressed the factors that capsized into that terrifying news that ended up hitting the polity, OKU BOSE.

It was indeed a heart rending one that got the world trembling, the expository feat successfully jolted the Cele Lords, the followers of Moses who won't be in slipper, shoes as they trek.
The Cherubims who already derailed from the role they were made to play in the bible were forcefully indoctrinated into the biblical paths, they as a matter of fact sheath their swords which extorts.
The controversial OKU BOSE gave a bad impression as per those who deem it right hiding under the heavy guise, the ones who would find it much more easier impersonating Christ as they dip their legs into his sacred shoes with ease.

It revolves round a woman who called herself Christ and would as well operate a church which canvasses offerings that feathers the edification of the church and in fact the Lord himself.
The relatives prostrate to pay their homage as they address her with words like BABA AYERAYE, gullible kings are servants at her gate of hell, how do we express that of the mission children who sung her epic, mind blowing ones.

Prominent among the children given as offering to this powerful woman is Bose, a lady who suffers from the threat constituted by spirits living in the water, she is with the saviour at least.

Things later changed as Bose allegedly died and would have to be buried without the parent being on the know this, triggered the unexpected from neighbours who assumed her death with the saviour.
Late Kolawole Olawuyi swung into action and would have to unveil the secret behind a woman who bore BABA AYERAYE, don't forget she lost all her children to superior death but do we reckon death over the mantle? Not even when BOSE's flesh would be exhumed from an hastily dug grave behind the church, is she enduring the grave too or the tin air?

The world revolved into gaol and stories with touching roots, it came again in the likeness of OMONIYI who grew up in a family of seven, it later lost six and would remain one in OMONIYI. OMONIYI was noted for always staying at conspicuous arenas in Akure, they range from Oja Oba bridge to Saint Peters junction or Okearo etc where he would always preach the gospel of being the expected Christ, he spoke about the thousands that would be called and few that would be chosen, many blasphemous utterances permeated his weird analogy.
He availed the public a bewitched hot sermon as he wrapped his words in the parabolic expressions of Christ's, you don't need to think twice before you erroneously call him the powerful one of Israel or the young Christ who was demonically possessed, had a taste of the manger and would as well be in suit or other fitted dresses.
OMONIYI played into the fiery hands of Pastor Akin Akinbosoye who happens to be a former ministering pastor at the State's House chapel but now co-pastors worldwide prayer centre with some other pastors in the vineyard.

This is a servant of God noted for rugged evangelism, not even when the seriousness of heaven would keep permeating his sermons, he purportedly laid hands on a wicked herbalist who won't think twice on reneging from voodoo.
God arrested OMONIYI while the Pastor at the same time got him into the vehicle which ferried him home and to the mother who lives at the centre of Akure.
The Pastor championed a team of other ministers in a fire-filled service that canvasses deliverance for the cribbed people. He spoke in stranger tongues and would at the same time diagnose him of hallucination, petty madness and their likes.

ALSO READ: Waters of Death

The deliverance came up Early Sunday morning, January 6th to be precise that, was when he was deprived of the duty saddled him by Satan through Anointing filled Worldwide Prayer Centre.
Bro Omoniyi yielded to the voice of God and promised to proclaim LORD JESUS as the only SAVIOUR. Pastor Akin sternly warned the brother to live far away from where his destiny was tied if he wants to conveniently serve God wholeheartedly without going back to his vomit. The Church made a little provision for him to cut his hair and and a little as well for his upkeep.
Pastor Akin told him that the G.O. of Worldwide Prayer Centre, Prophet Ebenezer Akinsunlola would not mind to disciple him as a Missionary Evangelist with accommodation and benefits if he is willing and obedient.
All Glory, Honor and Adoration return unto the Lord. Shalom!

Akingbondere Babatunde

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