Why there has to be Paradygm shift in public administration- PETER EZEKIEL

Published by VAM News. 
With the increase in the world population, the approach of Public Administrators need a complete reform because the demands on government will surely pose challenge if the old approach is maintained. 

We all know that the current government practices in administering the public has tremendous element that cause wastage in national resources. With the fast growing population, government's  action will suffer more criticism from their yawning citizens.
The point here is,  government should start thinking of setting tables of discussion to address it's policy formulation and implementation processes and it must be inclusive in nature or else uproar in the clothing of revolution can erupt at any moment where the large poor will clampdown on the rich as a way of transference of aggression. 

It is time for public administrators to come together and analyze the fundamental problems within the field with the mindset that old practices will not work going forward. Thus, looking for solutions should not come from traditional, but rather, unconventional sources. The problem is not unique and it requires thinking out-of-the-box.

Suggested Issues to Address are:

Issues of Corruption 
Legislators who commit fraud or governments who alienate citizens find ways to continue their illicit activities, public administrators must develop newer countermeasures that ensure accountability.

In addition, it is important we understand clearly that the wall between the government and the citizens is very thin now because of the internet support in distribution of information. The citizens are getting more aware than even the government in some ways. 

Gone are those days when the citizens are made to believe that corruption is only finance-related. Corruption is one demon with many faces. Marginalizing one group in power distribution is one of the many forms of corruption. So,  fighting looters and choking a government with officials from one particular region is the highest level of corruption. This is not out of the knowledge of the citizens in this 21st Century. 

Public Administrators must because of this,  place corruption on the table and analyse it with motive of finding lasting solutions to tackle it in all forms it appears. 

One such strategy is the disclosure of budget information, which prevents waste and misappropriation of resources. For example, Transparency International Sri Lanka promotes transparent and participatory budgeting by training local communities to comment on the proposed budgets of their local government. Also, there should equitable distribution of power to eliminate the sentiment that rises from marginalization because the definition is getting clearer by the day. 

Growth of Science and New Technologies
In the words of Andrew R. Vaz: "Technology is obviously changing the way our societies function. The way governments interact with their citizenry and develop appropriate legislation to meet demand is rapidly been modified by the wave of New Technologies. The increased power and accessibility of technology is at the core of most massive perceptual and lifestyle changes in the past decade. The High-speed of the internet has lifted the veil over government operations. More people have portable technology that allows them to find and share information. Technology has been a deciding factor in everything from local elections to an entire nation’s popular revolution. Technology changes the way the news is reported, the way law enforcement works, and the way leaders communicate with their constituents".

Based on the above, Government must demonstrate high level of transparency because the veil between it and the citizens has been lightened up by New Technologies. Information flies faster than it has ever been experienced in past decades. Through secret recording devices, secret practices are becoming a thing of the past especially when the information is classified important or declared an info of interest.

Therefore, government has a compulsory obligation of operating an Open Management System to keep maintaining the trust of it's citizens. 

Citizen Participation 
Knowing too well that democracy is the power of the citizens,  they have been denied true exercise of this legal rights systematically.

Government must return to the drawing board and accept the abandoned truth no matter how destructive it will be to their personal agenda.
There is vibration already which soonest will bring the most dreadful reaction if not quickly address. The citizens are becoming more informed and would want to carry out their legal responsibilities which government must provide necessary structures and institutions to aid it. 

They want to be part of the governments decisions at every levels as prescribed by the constitution and other conventional documents. The citizens down to those in the local communities must be allowed to part-take in  decisions that is affecting them. Their feedback is very important being the grand stakeholders. 

Through local meetings and discussions government can involve the citizens in effective participation in decision making on some complex issues. Through research and recommendations this can be achieved as well. 

Racial/Regional  Discrimination 
Equitable Power and resource distribution is one of the major reasons some countries like Libya and Egypt had been thrown into war. 

Regional Marginalization as it is been practiced today by some countries has to be quickly addressed before it pose more problems than we already have. 
This happens most time when a particular region provides the President or Head of Government. Other parts of the country suffers marginalization in terms of resource and power distribution. Modernization is already addressing the issue which governments must do the needful by making swift adjustment through enactment of laws that will address the issue. 

Divide and rule adopted from our colonial masters created the division we suffer now. Notwithstanding, education is rapidly uniting the citizens and creating sisters and brotherhood relationship among people of different tradition, religion, region and race.

Public administrator must map out plans to reduce over suppression of minority group and and localities for what so ever reason. This can be achieved through training of the actors and promoting the culture of unity and peaceful among the people irrespective of their differences. 

In order to be effective administrators in the 21st century, public administrators must observe past mistakes and develop new, innovative approaches to current issues in the public policy arena. 

Important: Public Policy is said to be a child of its own environment but I also see it as a servant of the moment and it has to be reviewed constantly to make sure it meets current demand. One policy that solves a problem today and can bring to existence a more technical problem if not evaluated constantly both prospectively and retrospectively. 

Peter Ezekiel is a Graduate of Public Administration from Kaduna Polytechnic and Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda. He graduated as the best student with Distinction in both his Higher National Diploma (HND) and National Diploma (ND) respectively. 

He has written several articles.

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