Yeye Oge Akekaka Segment 2020: The Coming Of A Revolutionary Leader in Ondo! VAM News

By Tunde Olorungbotemi

On Saturday May 9th 2020, Yeye Oge Akekaka as duly called hosted Mr Akinselure Bankole the local government chairmanship aspirant Idanre, on her usual live facebook programme, VAM News has learnt.

 The programme featured greetings, informations and news of development in idanre community.

Mr Bankole Akinselure the leading candidate in the forthcoming election was also live to answer questions bothering on his plans and missions for idanre community at large.

Mr Bankole Akinselure began by introducing himself, his educational qualifications and his developmental contributions to Idanre kingdom.

When asked about his plans as the chairman of the local government aspirant.

Mr Bankole Akinselure thanked the organizer for the initiative of the programme and said it's an opportunity for him to dish out his manifesto to all idanre indigene (home& abroad). He said he has 5 core agenda and would share some with us.

 Mr Bankole said a key point of his agenda is to bring a new face to the ICT development in the local government. He said he has observed that idanre does not have JAMB CBT CENTRE, where our children can write their UTME on preparation for higher institution of learning. He said our student of over 3000 by numbers have to find their way to neighbouring towns, villages and even some have to travel as far as lagos, Abuja to get their exam written. He said this is worrisome and he would ensure, as an ICT expert, that an e-library is established in idanre where our children can write their exams and also get access to other educational resources.

Youth development.
Mr Bankole went further to express his displeasure at the rate of joblessness amidst the youth in the local government. He said the youths are a vital point of his agenda as a country without youth would be devoid of tomorrow.  He said he would organise a skill acquisition programme for the youth that would encompass students from secondary school level to tertiary institution level. Student would be able to learn a trade at a subsidized amount and be able to establish themselves afterward and even create employment for others.

Agricultural development:

Reforestation. Mr Bankole explained that Reforestation is another key point of his agenda. He said over the years we have been deforesting our forests and there has not been any plan to keep the momentum going. He said if we do not plant trees, we will run out of trees and the income we make from timbers would be cut short. So he said he will ensure that trees are planted in our forests to serve as replacement. He said this will help us continue our timber business for years and also contribute largely to our economy.

Provision of cocoa seedlings: Mr Bankole said, he would ensure that cocoa seedlings is available to farms at subsidized rate and that the seedlings would be able to germinate as quick as 1-2years as against the usual 4-5years of our usual seedlings.

Mr Bankole while speaking on transportation said, he wouldn't not stop the daily earnings of our youths who try to earn a living by fetching for themselves through the Okada system however he expressed concern that there are no shuttle as it were in the past years that would convey people from Odode to Alade and Atosin. He said his plan is to get at least 10mini bus (shuttle) to transport people from Odode to Alade and Atosin. He said that for a start and other individuals can invest in the project as time goes by.

Road Construction:
Mr Bankole stressed on the need to rehabilitate our roads, he said he has been privileged to ply almost all the routes in Idanre local government and can attest to the bad road which are caused mainly by the blockage of our drainage system. He said when he comes on board, he will ensure that our gutters are cleared so that there would be free flow of water which would help preserve our road. He also added that the local government would try in his capacity to construct and rehabilitate road that they ability to construct.

Environmental and Sanitation.
Mr Bankole expressed concern that as an Health and Safety expert, he understand the implications of dirty environment and the health hazard it poses to the citizens. He said he would organise a local sanitation team, that would ensure cleanliness of our environment and make provisions to eradicate open defecation.

The programme ended after almost 1hour of interrogations and answering of questions from concerned idanre indegenes both home and diaspora. Mr Bankole thanked the organisers of the programme for giving him the opportunity to reach out to his people and assured them that a vote for him is the security of our future and the phase of the change we deserve.

He thanked everyone for the support and encourage them to come out in mass to vote for him.

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