UNIZIK lecturer Wins Big at the Fourth Canadian International Conference in Toronto

UNIZIK lecturer Wins Big at the Fourth Canadian International Conference in Toronto

A lecturer from the Department of Educational Foundations, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Mr. Victor Chekume Nwasor has made the varsity proud as he excels at the Canadian International Conference, Toronto Canada.

Mr. Nwasor wins big as he was selected as the best presenter at the Fourth Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology 2019.

In the conference which held on the 27th and 28th July 2019 at the University of Toronto, Canada, Mr  Nwasor was presented a certificate of Achievement as the best presenter of the following session:  "Technology in Education and Teaching."

He also presented a paper titled: "Globalization of learning through pedagogic technologies for hospitalized learners in Nigeria." 
The conference which had in attendance academics, astute scholars and educationists from all around the world, was a milestone achievement on harnessing the potentials in technology for improving the quality and  standard of education.

UNIZIK is indeed making global inputs and advancing the course of education around the world.

Recently, about seven research works from the University is been currently approved to get funding and grants which has never happened before.

The #project200 is unmasking on daily basis, which is the vision of the current administration; to make Unizik rank in the top 200 of World's University Rankings.

Mr. Nwasor has since returned to the country and resumed his academic functions as a lecturer in the Educational Foundations Department of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and has continued to make inputs in his profession.


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