The power of self: confidence in pursuit of vision- PETER EZEKIEL


Self-confidence has a powerful aura. When you are confident about your vision, your confidence triggers other people's faith to believe and buy your vision, and that believe they have in your vision is why you will surely succeed. 
Believing yourself to be suffient for that vision is the first criteria for Universal Acceptance. 

Confidence is a product of your inner environment and that environment controls the external envrionment.

"Show me a man that lack self-confidence and I will show you man who is a loyal slave in his mental community"
       _ Peter Ezekiel (2017)

When you admits that you are not enough for the task ahead doubts set in. 

Remember, you are the starting point of your journey. Anything you can't do for your vision, nobody can. You first caught the light, so no one saw what set you up on your feet, so why should they be the ones to inspire you. Without you that vision would not have been born. It exist before you but no one is the best-fit except you and that is you are on this road. 

Being filled with the truth about your vision will fire into you the confidence needed to confront any prince of Persia and any gate of brass standing on your way. When people see chariots as impeding forces, you only see children playing hide and seek. Nothing gets clearer to you except that tiny little stone at the top of that mountain you must climb. 

Self-confidence will give you the zeal you need to surmount mountains, coal of fire you need to melt gates and the words you need to set your team on their toes for the race. 

Vision is always bigger than the visionary and the match-maker is the Visionary's confidence. Without confidence it will be difficult for any man to actualize his vision because no vision comes without a naysayer (Pessimists). 
They are like the price tags of every vision. It could be the person you love so much. They are not bad people but they are just there as the agents who test your confidence, conviction and weighs you for the task ahead. If you listen to them, you might fall of the train and if you persist and succeed, they will celebrate you the most. Sometimes they are just scared you might fail and that is all. They care about you but they are not just healthy for your vision. 

Keep your confidence alive, refuse to get intimidate by anyone or anything. If you can't throw away your certificate because you are afraid of an interview, why should you throw away you confidence because of the test of your vision?

So get up! You are more than enough for that dream. Shake of the dust clinging to your clothe from your comfort zone. Those mountains are mere mirage, they don't exist, get closer and you will testify. Be convinced by the picture you saw with your eyes of imagination. That is the true image, others are not real. 

If you believe it, you will achieve. 

Go, the world is waiting for you. The earth is incomplete without the real copy of that image. 

We are waiting for you! 

Peter Ezekiel is a graduate of Public Administration from Kaduna Polytechnic. He is currently the Executive Director, Administration of Passionview Solutions Ltd. Gusau, Zamfara State. He is a professional trainer who has trained over 300 corps members and other executives. He is a profound motivational and inspirational speaker and has a lot of young men and women under his mentorship. 

He is also the Executive Director, Eagle Lead Development Initiative.

Lastly, because of his educational performance and achievements, he has been a motivation to young men and women above and within his age category.

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