LETTER TO LADIES, WOMEN: Introduction- Folorunso Holuwole

I will never ask you not to have sex for Money, Clothes, Cosmetics and Cars. Keep fucking and sucking every dick you see, continue jumping from one guy to the other.

keep the names of all the hotels you've slept in your memory, Protea hotel, Sheraton hotel, Kiss me Hotel e.t.c.

When the total number of men you have had sex with is more than your age,i.e whem you're 25years, and you have had sex with 30 different men.

Though you can go ahead doing all those sucking of dick because you want to be the hottest and also the latest babe in town, Even though you can be using the latest mobile phones or wearing the lastest clothes in vogue.
It's none of my business and I have no issue with what you are doing. 

But the only issue I will be having with you is when you dare open your mouth and say a man should love you for who you are, please if I may ask you WHO ARE YOU
(probably when you are moving close to your expired period)i.e When you have shared all your body to different men and you have nothing left again.

I believe any man who will marry you must have done something crazy or terrible in the past to have got hooked with you.

You might even start warming yourself up by going to church now because you have lost your womb in the process of severe abortions, and you are obviously looking for a miracle to happen.

Get this right now, Until you look into your future, you will never realize the consequences of your present actions.

Am expecting some ladies to hate me now because the TRUTH is bitter.

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