Rape Culture And All Of Us - Rasak Ayanlakin Democrat writes

By One Class

Rape is now a fashion. Everyday we read its inferno on news blogs. Victims dream and hope for a better life too.

But their dreams are shattered and their hopes rubbished, as a result of sexual greediness of some people.

The masses keep clamoring for justice. The children of nobody fell victims, each day. Those with voice are silent. And those with hopes are losing battles of survival.

In an article sent to VOICEAIRMEDIA, The common people keep appealing to authority above them. They intensify their demonstration against unjust sexual violence.

We bombard the cyberspace with protest messages, and a few hours later, everything dies down.

The common people believe, only the government and security personnels can challenge the status quo. Although the cooperation of the civil society too, can’t be underrated.

Our security personnels need be gingered, to investigate into rape cases and fish out bad eggs behind these dangerous crimes.

Rape is a social crime, traditionally abominable and unpardonable. Touching a woman’s body without her consent is unlawful, not to talk of attempting to, or sexing her.

Why did she visit him?
What’s she doing in his house, all alone?
And what did she put on? These amongst other silly questions and alibis need to stop. A woman has a right to say yes or no to sex, otherwise, it’s a nullity.

Inhumanity of man to man has no moral justification. No matter what, let’s learn to respect people’s freewill, freedom and liberty.

As a moralist, I equally condemn indecent dresses. I condemn careless seductions that are likely to get men aroused. But, my opinion tells me that cowardice in some men, is one of the catalysts that escalates the trending rape menace.

You like a woman. You think it’s not right for you to express your emotions. If you don’t in the morning, your feeling for her will hunt you at night. You lack confidence in yourself. Your lack of boldness and purpose makes you approach the backdoor.

You victimize innocent people. You humiliate their bodies. And make them sleep and wake on the bad side of life thoughts.

Once again, inhumanity of man to man has no moral justification. Morality is the father of all social virtues. Any social norm that conflicts against morality is a random nonsense.

If you admire a lady, approach her, express yourself in simple and humble manner. It’s a 50/50 game. If you win, congrats. If otherwise, aluta continua.

I have also come to realize the value of sex education. Our teachers should teach us in schools. And ours parents should discuss it at home. Perhaps many of us won’t end up victims of uncanny scenarios.

Teachers and parents should tell us consequences of all our sexual antics and moves. Through them we gather necessary sexual pros and cons.

The trending culture of sexual abuses across the country would be intellectually demotivated.

When we were small, we mentioned words like pnis, vgina, br*asts; elders would tell us to keep shut.

To these elders, they are sanitizing our minds and making us conform to standards of right behaviors.

We did not understand this philosophy, because these penalties came without explanations. They beat us for moving too closer to opposite sex, without any explanation.

Years later, we learned what the school and parents had refused to teach us, but then, outside, from strangers, and in very hard ways.

I think and suggest that our security personnels should declare a state of emergency on rape culture.

They should assist the masses via improvement of investigation style. Forensic investigation and artificial intelligence should be adopted to trace and track rapists.

People’s trust in the security would multiply. The growing rate of sexual nuisance will diminish, for the fear of being traced and tracked.

Our lawmakers should giveth us a sound and strict law on rape (maybe death sentence). Where there’s no strict law, there’s no strict compliance.

Our judiciary should not compromise the truth whenever rape cases are brought before them. Whether justice is brought to rapists, or rapists are brought to justice. Justice must always prevail.

We are all stakeholders, when it comes to sex education. Let’s lend our voices. And I am sure that our voices would blab echo of sexual sincerity and freedom.

      ©Rasak Ayanlakin Democrat
(Ede in Osun state)

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