Exclusive: N150,000 COVID-19 Giveaway Charges, A Shame On Actress Eniola Badmus (photo)

By Busy Brain, Jos

Most of the time, we blame government for almost everything. Of course, one must hold government accountable for adequate representation,  for social amenities such as good roads, well equipped health centers,  quality and  free education for all,  good water, security and stable power supply; most importantly, during this pandemic,  government must live up to the task to elevate hunger by providing foodstuff and relief packages for the poor masses. I think no one should feel guilty or be blamed for demanding for good governance. It is our eligible right.

It is an undisputable fact that we have the right to hold government officials  accountable but no one has the right to hurl   abusive words or cast vituperations  on any other person outside the government for not doing giveaway. That is why I can not for any reason abuse any 'senseless' celebrity who doesn't  want to give it back to the society that made him or her. As a matter of fact, the sensible and generous ones have been doing their best to uplift the masses out of the murky water of corona hunger. Everyone knows the economic condition of the world and anyone outside the government  who prefers to render helping hands to the poor masses should be appreciated, praised and acknowledged without any charges. But reverse is the case of our big madam in Yoruba movie industry called Eniola Badmus. I have never witnessed her kind of wickedness  before in my life. Eniola Badmus  charged  someone one hundred and fifty thousand Naira ( #150, 000) before she can help to disburse five hundred thousand naira ( #500, 000) to 100 people as giveaway. This man  tasked Eniola Badmus as a celebrity with thousands of followers to help him reach 100 people with five thousand naira each (#5, 000 ).

I think a sane and sensible celebrity should appreciate this kind gesture and encourage others to do more. Disgustingly, one would be marveled to read the conversations  between Eniola Badmus and this young philanthropist.

Below is their leaked chats:

Philanthropist:  Hi Senator Badosky. I want to sponsor your give away to give 100 people #5, 000 each because of this period

Eniola Badmus: Hello

Philanthropist: Hi, Good evening sister me

Eniola Badmus: How are you sir? Thank you for coming on my live video

Philantropist: Yes ma

Eniola Badmus: Please,  am not ma

Philanthropist: Am not sir. Sorry about that

Eniola Badmus: Just address me as Eniola Badmus. Thank you for your sponsor. The Lord will bless you more

Philanthropist: OK. I will adress you like that

Eniola Badmus: You can send the money now.

Philanthropist: Send me your account details

 Eniola Badmus : 0107572939. GTB

Philanthropist: Done. 'With a display of transfer details'

Eniola Badmus: I will be charging 150k for it sir.

Philanthropist: I just felt this lockdown is affecting people negatively because I know the number of people that call daily for money to the extent of people asking for #500

Eniola Badmus: I'm telling you, it is terrible

Philanthropist: It is a way of giving to people if you can give #5, 000 each to them.

Eniola Badmus: Do you want me to put your name as sponsor or you just want to be anonymous

Philanthropist: Which one is OK

Eniola Badmus: Anonymous is better or else people will start disturbing you. What did you think ?

Philanthropist:  A friend just said you can put my name. If they disturb me, I can only do what I can do and nothing more.

Eniola Badmus: I'm yet to get the 150k

Philanthropist:  I just felt away of giving to people that are going through hard time this time around and look for someone in Nigeria that I can get to them through that means. I never knew there is a charge for affecting my people. I don't have any other money for this purpose.

Philanthropist: We can stand down on it

Philanthropist: It is not necessary. Sorry

Philanthropist: You can transfer back to my account.

When I saw the above conversations for the first time, I never knew it was real. I thought it could be formed by anyone to destroy her reputation. Meanwhile,  I don't just write on issues without making proper research on different credible media outfits. For this Eniola Badmus drama, I must make findings before taking sides. I told myself. Swiftly,  I logged in to my  Twitter account and searched for Eniola Badmus to verify that one hundred and fifty thousand charges and  if it is real, to know her reasons for charging such amount of money from someone that wanted to help the masses. When I found Eniola Badmus on twitter,    guess what?

She posted a brilliant excuse to defend herself for charging the man #150k.

Read her excuse below in quotation:

"I woke up to this and I thought it will be nice to give clarity and clear the air on it"

"This particular person indicated interest to do a 500 hundred thousand naira giveaway and I felt there will be exra cost for bank charges and stamp duty which I wasn't going to bare the transfer charges for that. So I asks he bares it"

"But in scenarios where people engage you as an influencer to drive givesaways from a business point of view, then business conversations need to happen"

Having seen this on Eniola Badmus' Twitter handle,  I think I  made a mistake to have said she posted brilliant excuse. The above words in quotation was her comments on her page and I'm sure those disgusting and irritable words could only be termed as brilliant ones by a fool. Why? Eniola Badmus premised her #150k charges on bank transfer charges and stamp duty which she couldn't bear from her own pocket. Initially,  I thought the transfer charges she was referring to would cost her huge amount she would not be able to bear until I made findings from a brother who works at Unity Bank. It was  then I realised that,  bank will never charge stamp duty for amount that is letter than ten thousand naira. Of course,  she will be transferring less than ten thousand naira to each beneficiary. The only charges that will cost her is transfer charges to other banks which is #30 naira. #30 naira multiply by 100 beneficiaries  is #3000 naira. So Eniola could not afford #3000 to make 100 people to smile. If one assumes  stamp duty charges is included, how much will it cost to have demanded for #150k?  It marvels me when  Eniola Badmus addressed herself as an influencer to do giveaway which prompted her reason to turn the man's  charity to business. What a brilliant excuse indeed!

Eniola Badmus should have asked for her own giveaway politely as a needy rather than giving flimsy bank charges and stamp duty as an excuse. What a big shame! Eniola Badmus in movies is the same Eniola Badmus in real life. I could not recall the last time she acted a modest role.  I wish she can stop defending her big mess and meekly apologise for making mistake. Her defensive approach birthed reactions. A simple apology would have  kept everything under spiral of silence. No one is holy; she can make amendments.

Tell this generous man to try another channel as givers never lack. May God heal our land. We are tired.

•Busy Brain is an Opinion writer, poet, journalist and Public Relations Practitioner. He graduated from the Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State...the fastest growing polytechnic in Nigeria.

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