Fake News in Nigeria: Ways to Handle Fake News

Sources for receiving news are now so vast, from family, friends, colleagues and now the fast-paced social media. With new technology, you can hardly miss the information when it drops.

Ways to Handle Fake News:

   These are a few ways to handle all the news that is flying around and maintain a positive mindset.

Receive News as Information

It is important to recognize how you receive information and what you do with it. Relevant information is best received as new knowledge with minimal bias or judgment. The authentic source is very important this gives you an element of reassurance as more information and data mounts daily.

Don’t Forward, Don’t Share

It is not compulsory received news must be spread especially when that news is now considered information overload, or it is a forwarded message with the potential of being forwarded by others.

If the news is negative and disturbing, you may relieve yourself by deleting. If you hear negative news or potential fake news avoid repeating or spreading just to avoid adding to the existing epidemic.

Avoid Negative Conversations

Fake news will always create content for conversation, in the same light when the news is negative people want to talk about and spread faster.

Listening to hearsay is what creates the distresses that need to be managed. It is easier to walk away when the energy in the air is toxic. Relate more to those who calm you down rather than mount pressure on you.

Engage with Important News

Not all news is fake, you have the responsibility to sift what is important to you. Use new information to keep updated and to follow strict guidelines. Use reliable sources of news to manage crisis times.

Spread Positivity

Time waits for no one, what are you productively doing with your time. If you must spread any news because you cannot help it, then let the news be educational, engaging, uplifting and empowering, encouraging and worth it.

Make up your mind as you intend to spend your time now that you are at home. Move away from time wasters and embrace anything that will develop you positively.

Wishing you the best during these trying times. Watch out for yourself and all your loved ones.

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