By Adetunji Ololade, Mr Money 

It is observed that an average Nigerian student can not speak a good English, while those who can lack the ability to put it in white paper. Can schools and Lecturers be blamed for this? No! The only chance and opportunity every human  have to develop themselves is "Now that you are still in school". No one is perfect, but practice makes perfection.

English language is an official language use in communication almost everywhere within and beyond the walls of the country. Ability to speak good English without blunders is a major challenge many students and graduates are facing. This might be because of the environment and the barground they came from, but nevertheless, environment shouldn't be a barrier for you to develop yourself on the use of English rather it should be a challenge for your perfection. 

Most Nigeria graduates serving as a corper in the South western and Eastern parts of the country communicate in Vanacular.  Sometimes, you keep wondering if truly they were graduates with their spoken English. They ought to have developed themselves while they were in school but the challenges is the environment. 

Visit any campus of a Nigeria institution today you will see students speaking their local languages in class, but when some of them try to make a difference by communicating in English, they make jest of themselves instead of learning and correcting their mistakes. The reason why you are in school isn't for fun, your primary assignment is to learn and now that you are still in school, you need to work on your weaknesses. It is better to speak wrong English with your friends for them to correct you than becoming a thing of ridicule in public by  commiting blunders.

Even if English is not your Mother language that doesn't mean you shouldn't develop on how to express yourself in English and being a Mathematics and Statistics student doesn't mean your communicating skills should be poor. Good English gives dignity and another criteria for job opportunity after school.

There are some companies that only hire graduates who speak English fluently. There is a need for you to develop yourself now that you are  still in school.

If you can't express yourself well people will cheat you, and how will you defend yourself against that lecturer sexually harassing you? How will you challenge an officer violating your rights when you can't express yourself in English?

English Language is a skill everyone especially students must practice. If your eloquence is poor, contesting for official position will become difficult for you. Because you will be afraid of your blunders and you won't know how to address the public. It's better for you to start learning now that you still have opportunity. No one is perfect but practice makes perfection.


  • 1. Read Novels 
  • 2. Watch American movies
  • 3 Communicate with your family and friends in English 
  • 4. Attend Seminars 
  • 5. Read articles and journals 

Practice makes perfection, so start practicing now that you are still in school.

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