King and queen of Ekiti: 2in1 Event (Slage play) Avatars of Oodua and Tradimodern night(Get Your ticket Now)

THE King and Queen Of Ekiti 2019 presents 2in1 Event (Slage play)  Avatars of Oodua and
Tradimodern night, VAM Reports.

Let us come together to celebrate our cultural values, King and Queen of Ekiti 2019 Grand finale

The Tradimodern night(a night where the old school meet the new school)

Dance and Comedy

Venue: Amazing Grace Event Center

Date: 15th of December 2019

R.S.V.P :07033942819 or 09039918268


Avatars of Oodua, written & directed by Lukman O. Abiose, is a fictional tale about Oduduwa, the progenitor of Yoruba race and his children, based on Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power!  This will perhaps be the most creative, aptly intriguing, super fascinating, highly dynamic and atomically powerful play you ever have seen!

Brace up, as you will not want to miss any moment of this extra-wonderfully crafted artistic performance coming LIVE to EKITI State.

#unifyingthediversityofculture #celebratingculturalvalues
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