Top 4 Ways To Collect Money From A Stingy

Collecting money from stingy guy Is like throwing your hook into an ocean of one fish. if you do it right, you could turn that stingy boyfriend or guy into a money printing press. The questions the ladies will be asking now is how do you make it happen; that is turning a stingy guy into your own personal ATM machine? Believe me, millions of ladies have been pondering over these. The answer is not easy but there is an answer all the same; a solution to the problem. Come to think of it, if all guys suddenly become stingy tomorrow, the women folk will be in some serious poo. How will they come up with the money for those crazy hairdos; artificial fingers, nose surgeries and those expensive designer handbags and wears? Many ladies would thank me for this write up and if you still find a guy extremely stingy, it means he's stingy guy at PhD leveI i am a guy, and personally, i am not stingy by any means. I will always pay for my dates meals, i will buy her things when i can afford it, and i try and keep her happy as much as i can. I don't really like stingy dudes. I think it shows a lack of moral decency
So here comes the trick

1. Let him know you have needs -
You might be surprised that the guy may feel you don’t have financial needs especially if you are a working class lady. You ought to let him know that
despite that you earn some money, you still do have some needs to take care of; and you being his baby, you are
depending on him to cater for some of those needs. There is nowhere else to go; unless he wants you to depend on
your admirers. Please, do not make it sound like a threat but say it in a joking manner.

2 Call your uncle or toasters in his presence to send you money -
All dudes know that no matter how much their women love them; they are still going to have other admirers around the corner. One way to put the stingy guy in the right perspective is to make demands from one of your staunch admirers in his presence. This will make him red with jealousy and probably ignite his anger. Calmly apologize and explain that you only did it because you were low on cash.

3 Teach him to spend by buying him simple gifts
- The best way to teach someone
something is by example. Every once in a while, do buy him a sentimental but simple gift. He will have no choice other than to reciprocate. Before then, you must have carried out 1 or 2 of the steps above.

4 Make your love making special anytime he buys an expensive gift. What better way to turn him than under the sheets. Make your Sex special & unforgettable anytime he buys you an expensive gift. Give him a head like never before or perhaps a good massage. Just use your head. If after everything your guy still remains stingy, then it’s time to let the stingy guy at PhD level go his way.

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