Happy birthday to ICON of progress,  LJM ABIOLA OLUWATOBI AYODELE, FCA, FCTI-LJm Admin FedpolyAdo, Ljma Chancellor of Treasury OspolyIree, Bright

A rare gem LJM ABIOLA OLUWATOBI AYODELE, FCA, FCTI was born today.
LJm Admin FedpolyAdo, Ljma Chancellor of Treasury OspolyIree, Comrade Bright Tunde Olorungbotemi wishing the Icon of progress attached with creativity, LJM OLUWATOBI ABIOLA.

Abiola's passion for professionalism and humanity speak volumes.

I am very proud to have a person like you as the Number 1 citizen of our noble club,  This is a great pleasure to feel that I am part of your team. 

You are the leader who deserves all my respect. You are a perfect example of a talented leader and respectful boss. 

The way you manage your team is really impressive. Other teams usually crave to be under your tutelage.

Most bosses are just arrogant managers, but you are a true leader and a perfect mentor. I remembered all the advice you do gave us every Morning, all the technical meeting tutelage not only about how to be the best in our job but other philosophical things about life.

Ooh! How humble and closed you’re to all your subordinate.

Not only are you downtrodden to your subordinate but to everyone among are the office cleaners, security officers and host of others.

I prayed that day to be as generous as you are.

You’ve touched the life of anyone that cross your part. You always laid a good mark on whoever cross your part. 

Some who are non accounting graduates are now a Chartered Accountants through your sponsorship and encouragement in the office.

You’re indeed an inspirational leader. You are a role model

The Jagagban of FIRS, the Lion of TID and the Pride of JMI at the ICAN COUNCIL.

As you mark your Birthday today, Continue to impact life as you clock a new age today, More victory and progress ahead. 

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