By Agagu Sarah
Published by: VAM NewsOnline Nigeria 

Terrorism has become quite an ubiquitous phenomenon in the world today and Nigeria is no exception, groups like the alquaeda, Boko Haram, ISIS etc have left pain, tears and destruction in their wake. 

American political philosopher, Michael Waizer  took terrorism for a deliberate means of killing innocent people at random, another style of spreading fear through a whole population and at the same time forcing the hand of its political leaders into that which they wouldn't have invested.
 Terrorism drew international concern after the alquaeda attack on the world trade Center in the U.S.A around September 11, 2001, It was estimated that terrorist groups caused the deaths of about 18,814 lives in 2017.
            Agagu Sarah
Nigeria as a country has become a stronghold for terrorists, most especially in the North, the Boko Haram, a terrorist group made  itself an insurmountable giant and around 2014/2015, it controlled some specific states like Borno,Maiduguri before they were later reclaimed by the Nigerian Army.
Statistics reveals that an estimate of 10,849 lives have been lost at the aftermath of the attacks of the Boko Haram also, it led to the increase of Internally Displaced persons in Nigeria. 

Boko Haram spread its tentacles out to countries like Chad, Cameron, Niger and it has sworn allegiance to Islamic States.
A terrorist group that has caused endless harm is the Taliban also known as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) found in Afghanistan and Pakistan, It has been involved in oppression of women, human trafficking, sex slavery and forced labour. 

The group razed and burnt towns like  Bamian, yakaolang, .It was even estimated that 3,571 lives have been lost as a result of its attacks.
  Another terrorist group is the Al-Shabaab in Somalia this, group is involved in the persecution of Christian minority, they launch out attacks on foreigners and UN aid agencies. It has been involved in some high profile cases like the Westgate Shopping mall attack and the 14 October Mogadishu bombings. 

Statistics records that 14571 lives have been lost in its wake.
Islamic States popularly known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh drove Iraq government out of key cities, it also extended its terrorist activities to countries like Afghanistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan, Syria and a host of others. It is said to be one of the deadliest terrorist groups in the world. Attacks like the Sunic bombing in Turkey, November 2015 Paris attacks, the 2016 Brussels bombing, 2016 Berlin attack, the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing have been attributed to it. It has participated in sex slavery, crimes against humanity, illegal use of capital punishment and widespread sexual abuse. 
Stephen Hassan called it a "cult" in the Huffington Post. Statistics records that in 2017, 4,350 deaths were attributed to its attacks and over 60 Countries are fighting against this terrorist group.

Various reasons has been given for the onslaught of terrorist groups now rampaging various countries in the world today. Writers have given reasons like need for international attention , religious zealotry, mental health, political ideology and a host of others.
 Laws have been enacted to combat terrorism in various countries like Lois Scelerates(France), The Reale Act(Italy), The terrorism Act(UK), Terrorism Act(South Africa),Anti-terrorism Act(China),Terrorism Prevention Act of 2011(Nigeria)
It is revealed that at least 80 countries in the world are battling the effects of terrorism.

A question frequently asked is if this laws has really been practical? It has been argued that the laws are only in existence but have not really been applicable. For terrorism to become a thing of the past, more practical measures have to be adopted and the root causes of terrorism addressed.

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