CAN crisis: I never demanded 10% commission — NCEF Scribe

CAN crisis: I never demanded 10% commission — NCEF Scribe

Lagos Secretary of National Christian Elders Forum, NCEF, Pastor Bosun Emmanuel, yesterday, denied demanding 10 per cent commission of funds raised for the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Trust Fund as alleged in a recent publication sympathetic to the CAN president, urging CAN officials to stop telling lies.

Responding to the publication titled: Bosun Emmanuel: Alexander the coppersmith of our time, which alleged that the NCEF Secretary’s opposition to CAN leadership stems from his unsuccessful proposal to collect 10% of the donations all Nigerian Christians made to CAN Trust Fund as commission, Pastor Emmanuel explained that he never demanded 10 percent or five percent from CAN Trust Fund, arguing that he is not Alexander the Coppersmith.

The statement reads: “With reference to CAN Trust Fund, referred to in the malicious article, on July 9, 2014, after my presentation to NEC in Makurdi, NEC offered me 10 percent of the money that will be raised. A Committee of CAN reduced it to five percent.

“Of my own volition, I wrote the former President of CAN on February 16, 2015 rejecting the five percent offer. If such an amount should be paid out, the CAN Trust Fund will suffer credibility crisis. I was the person who opted for reasonable remuneration (which has not been fixed till today; in lieu of it I was offered a token allowance). This issue was discussed during the meeting of the Trustees of the CAN Trust Fund on September 23, 2016 and I re-affirmed to the Trustees that I reject the offer because it would give the CAN Trust Fund credibility crisis.

“I went further and wrote to the Trustees on September 26, 2016 to affirm I will not collect commission from CAN Trust Fund. I am aware the CAN President, Dr. Ayokunle, has been deliberately promoting this lie that I oppose him because he stopped me from collecting five percent Commission.
“For this falsehood, I reported him publicly to NEC on February 16, 2018 when I wrote a six-page petition that the CAN Trust Fund was deliberately sabotaged by Dr. Ayokunle. CAN gave me an offer of five percent commission but I rejected it. These CAN officials should stop telling lies.”

“I wish to place on record that neither NCEF nor I did anyone in CAN any evil. We spoke the truth to the Church because Christians deserve to know what is going on in the Body of Christ. I am not “Alexander the coppersmith” alluded to by the faceless author of the malicious article I responded to.”

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