The notion that no bad guy desires serious relationship with a bad girl was very true in my case. After the experience with Grace and the Almighty Damilola, my notion of girlfriend changed, and I determined in my heart that my girlfriend will not be anyhow girl not because of anything but because of that which I have done to most girls in my life.
My pleasure adventure continued with Damilola and Grace for a very long period of time and it stopped with Grace when I told her there was no emotional feeling for her from my end.
“Everything I have done for you and with you were all out of my love for you Olalekan, and you are telling me you don’t feel anything for me?” that was her statement the last night we met at one of Faculty of Agriculture’s staircases. With Grace gone, all sexual attention was shifted to Damilola, and truth to God, whoever later marry Damilola will definitely see my numerous fingerprints boldly written on her body.
I was on my way back to the hostel one of those nights with Damilola when I met this portable, decent looking, portably innocent and amazingly beautiful lady. I could not control my emotional self upon seeing this lady, something was crazily magnetic about her, for how I got to be by her side, I cannot still explain till now.
“Hi good evening” I said upon reaching her side.
“Good evening” she responded with a very sweet voice which I doubt took God just one day to create and tune.
“I am Olalekan, what about you?”  I gladly and sharply said before she will lose interest in talking to me.
“And why would you want to know me?” she said disappointingly, putting me in a very tight corner of what do I say next? And unfortunately we were approaching Post Graduate arena already, I hate losing, not at two ends because that night, I and Damilola left each other angrily because I will not agree to her desire and demand for cunnilingus and so I was in a very tight corner to hold on to this girl. Make a new friend or go back to the hostel and just sleep like that? In no time, I found words to say to her.
“Why do I want to know you? Is that even a question for me? Why on earth will I not want to know that which was specially and uniquely created by God” the moment I said that, it was like I used a master key to open her talking apartment and immediately the fire of our conversation was ignited.
“Oh really?” she said smiling with her dimples in display.
“Yes! So can I know who you are now?” I said politely and with all sense of humility in me.
“Hmmm…okay then, I am Felicia Chukwuemeka Ngozie of the respectable department of International Relations and I stay in Mozambique hall of residence, Block P room 4. Any other thing?” she said, still displaying her dimples.
“Wow! That’s great, nice meeting you Mrs or Miss  Ngozie” I said.
“No! number one, I am still a miss except you want to make me your Mrs and number two, I will prefer you to call me Felicia instead” She said with her specially tuned voice.
“Oh pardon my manners, nice meeting you Miss Felicia”
“Yeah! Same here Mr Olalekan right?” She said
“Yes, but wait! Does that mean you are still single?” I jokingly asked.
“And what will be your business with that?”
“Nothing really, just that should there be any form of Chemical equation, so I can know whether to balance such equation or not”
“Hmmmm…really? You know you actually sound smart…”
“And you know you are amazingly beautiful?” I said in sharp response as she just smiled. Before I realized it, we were already in front of Mozambique Hall of Residence.
“As you can see I am already in front of my hostel and I really need to go and rest now”
“Oh okay, no problem, what if we share numbers?”
“Okay” she said as we shared numbers.
“Good night” She said as she was set to walk away.
“Good night just like that? Like really no good night hug?” I said opening my arms wide as she was speechlessly smiling and staring at me.
“Common!” I said.
“Like seriously this is our first meeting” She said still staring at me
“Which makes a good night hug very vital and essential, and…”
“Okay! Okay!!” She cut in and shut me up as she approached to hug me truly.
“Good girl” I whispered to her ears.
“Thank you, can I leave now?” She said as she broke away and we both parted ways smiling.
Am I about getting a girlfriend truly?



NB: This is a pure work of fiction created out inspiration and imagination, any semblance of real life event is a mere coincidence.

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