Mastermind of Kankara schoolboys abduction repents, surrenders rifles

 Auwalun Daudawa, the alleged mastermind of the abduction of some students from a secondary school in Kankara, Katsina state, has “repented”.

Daudawa and five of his lieutenants surrendered 20 AK 47 rifles, ammunition and a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launcher.

In December, over 300 schoolboys were abducted from their school. The students regained their freedom after spending a week in captivity.

Bello Matawalle, governor of Zamfara, had said the boys were rescued through the help of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) and that no ransom was paid.

Speaking after he took an oath of repentance on Monday at the government house in Gusau, Zamfara capital, the bandit said his gang voluntarily surrendered and are not seeking money from any individual or government.

“We have voluntarily repented and seek no single kobo from any government, group or individual for that,” he said.

“I was convinced by the state government approaches on peace reconciliation with armed bandits, I learnt from those repented before me that, there was not single plan by the governments through use of security agencies to harm me and my boys, therefore, we are now back for normal lives like other peace-loving Nigerians.”

On his part, Matawalle said the development is as a result of his administration’s efforts to ensure that there is peace in Zamfara.

“The development will not only gradually paste the name of Zamfara unto the list of most peaceful places in the country, but will facilitate the return of the lost commercial enterprising to the state,” the governor said.

The governor said his administration is working to ensure that farming and cattle rearing would be the only activities in the state’s forest.


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