Osun State Govt To Public Schools: “Revert To Your Old Names”

By Tunde Olorungbotemi

The Osun State government has ordered public schools, whose names were changed as a result of the reclassification of schools by the immediate past government to revert to their old names, Tribune Online gathered.

It is recalled that the former governor of the state, Mr Rauf Aregbesola, had during his administration changed the names of the majority of public schools in Osun.

The changing of the public schools’ nomenclatures at that time followed the reclassification of school policy by Aregbesola’s government.

However, a circular letter of the Osun State Ministry of Education obtained by our correspondent in Osogbo on Tuesday ordered all public schools to revert to their old names.

According to the letter, with reference number S/ADM/38/131, which was signed by the coordinating director, Dr (Mrs) T.T Adeagbo titled “Reverting Reclassification Nomenclature of Schools to Old Status”, “all schools are hereby directed to revert to their old names with immediate effect as approved by the state government.”

“Please, recall that at the policy review roundtable summit on some extant policies in education sector held between 20th and 21st February 2020, Governor Gboyega Oyetola approved that schools should revert to their pre-reclassification names and nomenclatures.”

The letter was copied to Executive Secretary, SUBEB, Tutor General, Osun Central, East and West, all Zonal Inspectors of Education, Principals of Unity Schools and Schools of Science, Principals of all Government Public Schools, all Head Teachers of Government Elementary Schools, among others.

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