Ondo 2020: Samuel Tope Omotoso To Reduce Tertiary Institutions' Tuition Fee To The Tune Of N20,000, 50,000 Respectively

By Tunde Olorungbotemi, Akure

The Ondo State Governorship Candidate of the African Action Congress(AAC) party, SAMUEL TOPE OMOTOSO, has promised to reduce tuition fee of Stated Owned tertiary institutions when elected.

SAMUEL TOPE OMOTOSO disclosed this through a press statement released by his Special Assistant on Publicity Comrade Ajibola Taiwo on Tuesday.

He said clearly that "one of the major turn around to be expected by the good people of Ondo State will be the reduction of tuition fees in all Tertiary Institutions in Ondo State.

He lamented on the exorbitant rate of tuition fees, where he made known to the public that "it is an act of infidelity on the government's part to do business with whatever that rightfully belongs to the masses.

However, majority of the students of Ondo State had become drop out of different tertiary institutions in the state due to the huge amount of money to be spent on tuition which is not proper and convenient for average parents in Ondo State."

Conclusively, he promised on behalf of his team to reduce the tuition fee of all Tertiary Institutions in Ondo State to the minimum of #20,000 and a maximum of #50,000 in the best interest of our people once he's being voted as the governor of Ondo State."

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