Three teens die in midnight crash

Three teens, Unuayefe Wenena, Miracle Alex and Sofia Agido, have died in a midnight crash on Sunday.

The victims are 18, 14 and 18 years old respectively.

The incident reportedly happened along the Amukpe – Igbeku Road in Sapele, Delta state.

It was gathered the car, a Toyota Corolla, which had the deceased persons onboard, rammed into a stationary cement truck.

It was said to have hit the rear of the parked trailer, killing its occupants instantly.

Sources claim that they were returning from a nightclub, when they ran into the truck.

Spokesperson of the Delta State Police Command confirmed the development to The Nation on Tuesday.

She said: “It was a Corolla that ran into a stationed truck and three persons died. It happened at about 11pm on Sunday”.

The corpses have since been deposited at a morgue.

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