[Opinion] Animals In Human Skin: RIP To The Floyds, Uwas - Adegbeyeni Oluwafemi

Blood! Yes! blood in the eyes of my pen and no happy new moon from its mouth.

June 1st! this month, we mourn the victims of some carnivorous animals we call men.

Animals in human skin!
Evolution or not, on the sixth (6th) we heard they were created with the common dust and not gold.

Later, we heard the maker regretted to have created man!

These offsprings of dust classify themselves into what they are not. Rich or Poor, black or white, brilliant or dull, leaders or followers! but none has attempted to classify the "men and the animals called men".

Yes! Unapologetically, I am saying it to the ears of the world that there are animals called men on earth.
Seeing this, one would prefer the jungle creatures in those thick forests than the so called bloodsuckers that called themselves men in their so called developed jungle.

I tell you! They don't have power of life but they have allotted to themselves the power to take life!

Through any of their callous acts, they send men to early grave.
They take life out of the Floyds and the Uwas!!!

"I can't breathe" were the words of George Floyd(an African-American) on the 25th of May, 2020.

He was handcuffed and laid facedown and one of the Jungle animals in the so called civilized America carried out the devastating act. Who? A white Police(animal) knelt on the neck of George Floyds for more than 8 minutes while George continued to beg for his life, face down, hands tied, from a man who couldn't create life.

Stop! Never you ever tell me America is civilized, if that jungle is your heaven, you live in hell.

The devilish acts of the animals called men do not happen in the state alone. Lets come my land!

Where is Uwa?!
In Benin, in a church of God, these animals found their ways into the church and saw the 22 years old student reading!

Is there an offence in that no! the leaders refused vehemently to give their followers life and the poor girl tried reading to carve a niche for herself and be successful in Life.

When these animals called men saw Uwa, they raped her in the church and when she was trying to protect her her dignity, she was brutally murdered.

Yes! Dignity, the states have it in their codes and laws. I won't talk about these laws that most times are active only on papers.

Let me talk about Uwa's dignity. I saw her father on a channel when he was saying "my daughter was a virgin"

The agony of a father who found himself in a land that he never wished to be born.
Perhaps, Uwa was fighting that her dignity (virginity) should not be tampered with, but these carnivorous animals called men tore her apart, ripped her of the dignity and murdered her brutally.

These animals have sent more Floyds and Uwas to the early graves.
Not in only in America, not in only in Nigeria but all over the world.

Maybe we should conclude the world is a jungle where men can devour men as a ravenous Wolve.
Both the young and old are insane and so dull to be able to remember their poor source which is the dust.

Is Nemesis far?
Are the numerous Doctors on earth going to cure the madness of the world?
It is everywhere, in politics, businesses, churches and every other spheres.
When are the animals in human skin going to demolish the abbatoirs in their evil hearts?
 Look here man-dust! When are you going to stop taking lives just because of power, money, fame, pleasure or anything?

No glory! No glory!! No glory!!!
Where are the animals called men that be, they are no more. If you are one and still alive, embrace repentance or you perish, no pleas. Then you shall return to the dust you were made.

Man/Woman! Be not proud!! for you are nothing!!!


By: Comrade Adegbeyeni Oluwafemi (BARRYFEM)

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