Ex-Ospoly SU President, Bolaji Olaniyi Hope launches foundation on promoting SDGs

By One Class

Comrade Bolaji Olaniyi, who is also known as Hope, has launched a foundation to help in complementing efforts of United Nations on Sustainable Development Goals.

Hope who is a Former Students Union Government President of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, made this known in a release made available by him on Tuesday.

According to him, "I have a transnational mission to forge a harbinger of Hope for the less privileged in all african communities, and we shall rely on the strength of our partnerships with potential NGOs, Cooperate Bodies and Government to extricate African society from abject penury and starvation, we shall undergird in our activities, social crusading, public sensitization and we shall organize workshops and seminars.

"The vision of this foundation is designed to create empowerment programs that Youths and women across Africa can leverage, building youths and women capacities, advocating and contributing to the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Quality Education, Zero poverty and Zero hunger among others in Africa, forging a formidable foundation that would work with Students Leaderships across tertiary institutions in Africa to create a stable and sustainable leadership for the students."

Hope added that the foundation would also play the role of interfacing between different interest groups, including the government when matters involving welfare of the above categories of individuals arose.

He said, " We are going to emphasize peace in all modus operandi, form a society that advocates social Justice and midwife reconciliation processes between authorities of Institutions and Students Leadership, Civil Societies, Unions(Trade and Labour) and Government."

Achieving a pro-people African society that works for all Africans with zero regard for race or our mutual differences and an Africa that responds to the needs of the people is a long time vision, we shall not hesitate to partner with cooperate bodies or parties of like interest going forward, the founder concluded.

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