A very interesting story of the shoe shiner by Mr. Nigeria: Learn how to stay top of your game


There was this busy executive who was on his way to a meeting and was always rushing from place to place. As he left his office, he was approached by a shoe shine man (a shoe maker) who said,

 "Hey, my man, you've got much dusts on your shoes. Why don't you let me give you a shine?" The businessman said, "No...I don't have time." 

And at every block for the next 8 blocks, he was approached by a shoe shine man and he gave the same answer, "No, I don't have time for a shoe shine." 

However, at the 9th block, he walked past a shoe shine stand and the shoeshine man was counting: "97,98,99,100," he then said, "Hey my friend, you look like a busy man, so I apologize for the interruption. 

But today is my birthday and I made myself a promise that I would give a free shine to the one-hundredth person who comes by my stand and you are that person. Please give me the opportunity to give you a shine and honour my promise.

 So the "Busy" businessman sat down and the shoe shiner went to work that he was sweating profusely. He so did a marvelous job that the shoe looked like brand new. As the businessman was preparing to leave, he asked: "What is your regular price?" "5 dollars sir" he said. The businessman gave him 20 dollars and said: "Happy birthday."

As soon as he was gone, the shoe shiner stood there again and then started, "97,98,99..." Oh boy! The shoe shine guy is well too creative!

Creativity is one of the keys to a successful business. It is not witch craft, it is wisdom that makes them patronize your neighbour and leave you alone. I was just thinking what the other shoe shiners would be saying in their minds about the smart guy!

Tomorrow we will do a detailed analysis of the shoe shine guy's statement to the business executive; and explore some business secrets from his seasoned words.
Have a lovely weekend!

Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.
 _Pablo Picasso_


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