TODAY'S LEADERS FORUM PRAISE 2029: Effects of courtship on Teenagers existence; Islamic Perspective- COMR.ADEPOJU MUHIZ. A

Doxology, all praise and honour be to the creator of the creatures, best designer of the designers, the most high, God of the universe. May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon his favorite prophet PBUH, his companions and the entire Muslim at large.

Courtship can be simply expressed as the act of wooing in love with the intention to solicit a woman in marriage. Courtship has its merit but the effect is more than its merit.

Abdullah bn Masu'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's messenger (peace be upon him) said to us'O young men ,those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restraints eyes (from casting evil glances) and preserves one from immorality; but he who cannot afford it should observe fast for it is a means controlling the sexual desire. Allah supports the engagement of boys and girls but the rascal attitude nowadays are unlimited which are prohibited in Islam.

Courtship had caused  a private seclusion on the people. It provides a place where both are there and locked door to prevent others from walking in and out of the room freely.

Prophet Muhammad said no man secluses himself with a non-mahram woman without her mahramshaytan is the third person with them.

Base on this understanding if a man and woman live together in one place where no one else can freely enter,then it is considered as prohibited seclusion and they are not permitted to love alone together.

In addition, premarital sex is paramount in nowadays courtship. Islam has prohibited adultery and limited the sexual relationship to be channeled through marriage. 'And do not approach unlawful asexual inter course.

Indeed it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way' Quran17:32. In the olden days,the groom waited till the wedding night before they consummated their marriage. 

The virginity of a Ladywas very important to the groom,it gives honor to the Lady and her family buy nowadays we say sex shoes love in a relationship, unfortunately the lady get dumped by the guy. 

Consequently, sex is not all there isto s relationship. Young boys and girls of nowadays are just focused on sex,sex,sex!!! Sex is mistaken for love. 

After the sex you are  lied to,you are cheated on,you are abused,you are maltreated and you call this a relationship.

Preferably, Aqidu Nikkah is a great sunah. After the parents give the hand of the bride in marriage to the groom pays the dowry of the bride you are totally entitle to each other.

In conclusion, dating and courtship has caused lack of reliance on the victim to any one they met later in the journey of love.

Courtship should create a total submissiveness of both boys and girls in a good manner without any form of list,being helpful to each otherself reliance that leads to marriage,make Nikkah the only license to have sec and make a lawful bed before you make babies.

Hence, it is advisable to keep off courtship if not ready to face the challenges and not capable of facin the challenges under it. 

As well advisable to make it lawful to each other and as well keep off any unlawful act till it is legalized.

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