The state of in security in Nigeria today is not news to anyone and although it can blamed on some factors that have been left unchecked for a long time by both the Government and people of Nigeria but the level of insecurity in the country today is threatening to tear her apart and requires quick, adequate and a new approach to deal with the security challenges plaguing the nation. Apart from food insecurity, financial insecurity, terrorism, health and others, security failure has eaten seep into the fabrics of the country.

ICT(image for illustration)

 The situation in Nigeria since the beginning of this decade in which dozens of militant groups emerged and challenged in the most violent form the authority of the Government; the growing level of urban crime including armed robbery, kidnappings, ritual killings, and cultism; the continuing erosion of moral authority of religions in which people engage in acts in open defiance ofcther religious and moral teachings; the culture of impunity that characterizes public affairs; corruption that has become the landmark of public and political class; the crippling poverty that is submerging the average Nigerian; No the collapsing social and political institutions in the country over the last ten years, more than anything demand for quick and lasting solutions that will at least reduce the security threats facing Nigeria today.

The quest for stability and development is, without doubt, the Holy Grail for Nigeria; a condition under which the country would be able to develop institutions and structures with capacity to ensure economic growth, equity distribution of national wealth, political stability and accountability.

To do this successfully, however, requires reduction of threats (actual and potential) that are capable of generating insecurity for the country.

Accordingly, there is the challenge to rethinking and improve on policy and institutions means of dealing with security concerns arising inches country.

Apart from the role that has been played by the traditional security agencies, information and communication technology(ICT) is now the focus to lead Nigeria in the new era of globalization and knowledge and consequently development to manage and possibly eradicate the threat facing nation as expressed by top law enforcement agents in Nigeria; " the application of information and communication technology will definitely enhance command and control. Thus, ICT could play a very important role in tackling some of the contemporary challenges." (ICT can play a very important role, 2012).

National security threats has been major issue for the government of Nigeria in recent years. Recently, Nigeria has been characterized with differ turmoil roughing from human abduction, political mayhem, terrorism and bomb attack.

Government has tried several methods in order to curb menaces but all of them have been proved abortive. Due to this, the government has to resolve to adopt the use of ICT gadgets such as Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) which is computer based camera in public place to monitor and record images of what takes place in a particular location. CCTV is a surveillance technique that aims to prevent crime by increasing the perceived risks of potential offers in engaging in criminal acts.

Nigeria government should invest on technology, in order to curb menaces threatening to tear the nation apart. Modern days technology should be employed in tackling insecurity. ICT can save our nation.

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•Olowe Charles((Bleeding Pen) is a social media commentator, motivational and gifted writer.

    Founder of Live Smart. 08102788954

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