Nigerian Varsity students union cautions US, IRAN

One of the leading Varsity in Nigeria, University of Ibadan's students union has cautioned the United States Of America and Iran against starting a world war.


In a press release titled “The World Needs Peace” and signed by its President, Akeju G. Olusegun, the union noted that international unrest always starts inconsequentially before escalating.

Full press release below:

The World Needs Peace:
“we have woken up to a more dangerous world”-Amelie de Montchain (France’s Europe Minister)

Right now, the world has enough to contend with. It is not an avoidable battle or war and, the Students’ Union of the University of Ibadan recognizes the fact that the international atmosphere is currently tensed. The Union has in time past contributed to the promotion of international peace and at this trying time, it will not be silent. The Students’ Union is blessed with over 30,000 students and as such it has more reasons to be concerned. The recent happenings might not just end at the Middle East or America, who knows how much it can escalate?

International unrest has always started inconsequentially before escalating. This brings to memory the gruesome killing of an Austro-Hungarian heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in Sarajevo on the 24th of June 1914. This snowballed into an immediate crisis. In retaliation, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia on 23 July. Serbia’s reply did not satisfy the Austrians, and the two moved to a war footing. This event marked the beginning of WW1, known in history to be one of the deadliest wars on earth. The WW2 also started infinitesimally when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939.

The rest, they say is history. Following closely is the current ugly events and attacks which involved the killing of Qasem Soleimani, Commander of the Elite Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) in a US strike on Baghdad’s International Airport. This might just be another infinitesimal dispute that might put the whole world into chaos. We are not being pessimistic, we are realistic. 

Is there any tension now? 

Yes, the Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was reported to have vowed to take “severe revenge” for Soleimani’s death. Also, in a reported handwritten note seen by AFP, Qais Al-Khazali, the head of Asaib Ahl Al-Haq said “all resistance fighters must be ready, as an upcoming conquest and a great victory await us”. Again, the body language and reactions of the US government are not in any way making the situation better. The world might just be sitting on a time bomb.

While the Union will not be involved in any blame game, we however must make our stance known as members of the global community. It is important that all parties put the consequences and resultant events in mind before taking any further step. The world is currently facing a lot which includes economic challenges, continuous fall of employment opportunities, global insecurity, hunger, illiteracy, corruption, poverty, religious tensions, climate change, amongst others. Any form of international unrest would only make the situation worse and unbearable.

What would the world have to lose in any international unrest?

Loss of life; with the level of technological advancement the world has attained, it is possible to erase a whole nation at once. An atomic bomb flattened Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing more than 200,000 people and yet it is not the deadliest weapon. 

Imagine what would happen with Nuclear bombs that could kill a thousand times more. Considering the fact that the list of weapons are unending, we could eventually erase the world. Any international unrest would increase the poverty rate of the world and push us all into starvation. The world would also not be able to withstand the hostility that would follow any international unrest for the day of doom will not end at a command of “stop”. The horror in the subsequent peace will still chase us, in fact, the consequences are unending.

We call on every youth in the world to react against any form of unrest. We should know that we are at the receiving end of the crisis. We will not just lose a lot where issues like this start, we will also live to bear the consequences of the events. Youths still have the power to change the world through our actions and inactions.

The Students’ Union of the University of Ibadan therefore urges every sister union across the globe to also call for peace in every quarter. 

We are in one way or the other stakeholders in this issue and as such we should protect the interest of the youth.

The Union also appeals to every organization, country, world power, the United Nations, and other International bodies to quickly intervene and find a long lasting solution to this unpleasant situation. 

It is our wish that the world progresses and neither wars nor aggressions can ever push us close to it.

For the love of humanity.



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