How To Become A Better Person In 12 Steps This year 2020- Adetunji Ololade

The most anticipating New year(2020) is here. After dining and the merriment, it is time to think on how to make the year a Better one than the previous.

It's normal to feel like you could be doing more when it comes to self improvement. But being a better person doesn't involve being overly hard on yourself.

No man is perfect, We've all done some things in the past that may not be forgiven for, but grace still speak for us in all ways.

Witnessing 2020 isn't by your power neither is it because of your holiness, many are holy and religious minded than you but are no where to be found today. Are you planning on writing all your wrongs in the year 2020. Or are you suffering from depression and hoping to become a better person in the year 2020.

Here's a look at some 12 tips to build self-improvement into your daily routine in the year 2020 by Adetunji Ololade.

1. PROCRASTINATION: Procrastination is a habit you must do away with in 2020 if you want to become a better person, then be ready to change. Procrastination is an act of postponing things, a student who procrastinate can't succeed, you don't postpone what is needed to be done at the right time else you are wasting your time, meanwhile time waits for nobody.

Procrastination comes in form of laziness, ignorance, carelessness. Remember no food for lazy man. If you want to become a better person this year then do away with any act of procrastination. Take whatever you do more serious. Don't procrastinate any opportunity you have in 2020, Heaven helps those who help themselves.

How do you want 2020 to be?
It is time to start planing, although only God knows tomorrow but an adage says, "He who fails to plan is planning to fail" by the way a man is the architect of his own fortune. Make a list of all you want to achieve this year then take a step in accomplishing them also be prepared for any challenges that may come your way. Don't be discouraged with any challenges even the most honest man 'job' in the Bible still face challenges. Job was able to overcome his challenges Through his commitment, so stay committed to whatever you are doing.

While planning, remember to take a step, if you are planing to be one of the best student in your school, you should take steps by attending lectures regularly, engage in practicals, do all assignments, visit the library, make research work and practice tutorial questions. If your own plan is to buy a New car this year 2020, then you should start your savings by as early as possible. If you want your business to grow rapidly this year, you must be able to think big and start small, buy peoples idea and strengthen your relationship with your customers, also note that marketing is very essential for every business. All these may seems not to be easy this is why I ask you to be PREPARED.

Drawing closer to God in the year 2020 should be one of your main agenda, allow him to guide you and direct you in all your endeavors. I want you to understand that every man has a specific purpose to fulfill in this life and for you to know this purpose is by drawing closer to God; Obeying his commandment, studying and understanding his words in the holy Bible and quran. Doing these will make this year 2020 fruitful for you because God will show you the way and surprise you beyond your own expectations only if you draw closer to him.

Faithfulness and honesty should be your watchword in the year 2020, Be faithful in whatever you do and make sure you are honest with yourself and the people in your environment. In your working place be faithful to coworkers, in your school be faithful with your colleagues, in your family be faithful with your parents And siblings, In your relationship and marriage be faithful with your partner. Don't make a promise you won't be able to fulfil in the year 2020. To live a happy life you must be a doer of your words. This will make people trust you and respect you. Being faithful and honest doesn't make you a perfect man, it means you are living a better life and becoming a better person.

Learn how to appreciate people in the year 2020 for Evey little things they do for you. Appreciating them shows you value and love what they have done for you. Appreciation helps strengthen your relationship with God, your Families and friends. Don't allow your ego or self importance to weigh you down from appreciating people. If a friend can manage to give you a call try as much as possible to appreciate him/her by returning his/her call. Doing these means you are living a better a life in 2020.

You need to forget about the past and move on with your life because what that has already be made cannot be unmade. Focus on the future and worry less About The past. So Forget about the past and move on with your life In 2020. Make friends, spend time with your family and friends and learn from your Past mistakes then move on.

To become a better person in 2020 don't live a fake life and never compare yourself with others. Living a Fake life lock doors to many opportunities because those whom are supposed to help you may assume you have it all not knowing you are a pretender. Don't pretend to be what you are not in the year 2020.
Be satisfied with what you have and pray to God to bless your hustle this year. "You want to marry that girl right?
Of course you will marry her! Or is it car you want to buy this year?
Just be patient you will surely buy it!. You see this PhD you will acquire it!. That job you are seeking for you will surely get it but always be yourself. You don't have to pretend what you are not to get what you want. Don't toy with people's emotion with your fake. To become a better person you need to start loving yourself for whom you are. Never allow anyone to intimidate you to live a fake life in the year 2020. If you can't afford a Bar soap use detergent, if you can't afford eateries make use of restaurants. Don't do beyond your capability.

To become a better person in 2020, you need to discover your talent and potentials. If you are yet to discover your talent pray to God to reveal it unto you the gift you possess. Joseph gift made him a minister of Egypt in the Bible. Tope Alabi, Evangelist Ojo Ade, Odunlade Adekola, Mr Latin are well known And influential people in Nigeria today because they discovered and build themselves up on their talents and potentials they Possessed. Who knows maybe you will be 2020 best Actor/Actress of the year. The future now lies in your hand.

Pray to God to show you the gift you possess to become a better person in life so you won't end up being a footballer instead of A Comedian. Also build and Showcase your talent anywhere you find yourself, make yourself presentable. If you are a scientist make more of research, if your gift is singing develop it and build it up by going for shows and performing at any event to present to people what you really got. Opportunity will not come to meet you at home so make use of every opportunity to proof your versatility.

Always bear in your mind that health is wealth, without sound health you cant function well in other aspects of your life. Therefore eat healthy foods, engage in more exercise, and go for medical check up from time to time. Taking your health serious should be a priority for you in the year 2020.

Do away with anything that can tamper with your health such as; Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, radiation etc.

A Good name is better than riches. Becoming a better person in 2020, you must protect your reputation by all means as it's very important unless you don't want to lay a good foundation for your own generation. Do away with any criminal activities that can tarnish your image or reputation. Collecting money under false is pretence Is risky for your own reputation by the way if we all stay off from these aforementioned that means there is hope for Nigeria to be a better nation. The same country you are running from is where others are making it, all you need to do is to pray for grace and while praying don't forget to plan, prepare and take steps as I have stated in the number (2) of this article.

Don't Give up on your dreams neither should you give up on yourself. Failure isn't the end of life. You might have had a failed relationship in 2019, You might have disappointed your parents in 2019, you might have failed in so many ways in 2019 but I want to assure you that for you to climb that ladder you must fail, so fail and pick up yourself again.

Never give up nor be discouraged by failure. Always bear in mind that winners Never quit.

In conclusion, To Become a better person in 2020 and achieve all your aims may seems not to be easy, it comes with sacrifice which are determination and commitment but I can assure, if you follow these inspiring tips. You will surely make a testimony before December 2020.

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