Preparing for that yoke to be broken in your Life

ISAIAH 10:27 says: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”
The Scripture predicted a day of freedom from all bondage, a day in which burden shall be taken away from every child of God, a day of special visitation by God Almighty. Beloved, comes next weekend is that foretold day when God is set to free us from all bondage of sin and its punishment.

It is the will of God that all shall be free from any entanglement and comes this weekend in this special program titled, ‘That yoke must break’ I am assuring you that all yoke must break.

If your situation has defied all known solution then I want to assure you that the time to favour Zion has come, the time for your freedom has come, for God has determined to break everything that stands against your progress in Life.

If you are experiencing abject poverty, failure, sicknesses and diseases that defied solution, I want you to know that they are indication that you are under the yoke of demonic powers. 

If your case is like that I am assuring you that God has set out a special program to bring you out from sorrow into His glorious liberty where disappointment, grief and mourning that have dominated your mindset will become a story of the past.

Indeed, it will surely happen because there will be a divine visitation and God will speak to your situation and there shall be transformation and through the visitation yokes shall be broken; diseases shall be cured, sicknesses shall be healed and the afflicted shall be delivered. This weekend is God’s set time to loose you from all bondage.

Now having gotten the knowledge of this outstanding visitation, what then shall be your preparation?

Amos 4:12 says: “Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel”

We are instructed to prepare for this visitation because our God, the King of kings is coming to have our yoke broken. And if that is the case, what then shall be our preparation? 

Our preparation shall be such that will make Him give us attention at His coming.

Habakuk 1:13 says: “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?”

The eyes of the Lord is too holy to behold sin because it is contrary to His nature, offensive to His will and unacceptable to all He stands for which is Holiness and purity.

Therefore courtesy demanded that in our preparation we must conform to His nature in order to allow His eyes behold us. God has the nature of holiness void of all pollution. 

Both in His essence, and in all His laws, which are holy and just and good. And as God is holy, so must we be in order to meet His approbation and enjoy His presence. We must separate from all defilement, and entirely be consecrated to Him and obedient to all His laws.

I Peter 1:15-16 says: “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.”

To receive from God in this His coming, we must put on the garment of holiness within and without, and above all, we must let others know of His coming. 

These we ought to do now that God has remembered us and has promised to visit and break our yoke. 

For we are very sure His visit will change our lives and make us better, because when He comes into a situation, all yoke must break.

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