My dear fellow Nigerians,

Today marks a noble day in our country’s history; the day when we celebrate our independence and emancipation from colonial rule. It is a time when we ought to celebrate the beauty of our diversity, embrace ourselves in unity, and reinforce a high spirit and optimism in our great nation. Nigeria has emerged as a strong nation, resisting forces of evil and darkness, and pushing back on incidences that threatens our sovereignty. 

As Nigerians, we have continued to stress our collective resolve to maintaining the dreams of our founding fathers, which is “a united people”. Even though our tribes and tongues may differ, we have stood in oneness to oppose the whims of imperialism since we became an independent state. Collectively, we continue to conquer a myriad of challenges that bedevil our relationships, polity, and overall well-being. 

Today, we owe it as duty to re-affirm our allegiance and solidarity to a united Nigeria. It has become incumbent upon us to display true patriotism by defending our country’s unity and upholding her glory. However, there are several threats posed by insecurity, systemic and institutional challenges, economic hardship, and under-governance, which have affected the ability of citizens to thrive effectively. One of the outcomes of these dilemmas is its impact on our educational system. Poor educational infrastructure makes it difficult to develop patriots who are equipped to serve and defend the nation in different quarters. 

The greatest legacy that a nation can bequeath to its citizens, especially youths, is quality education. Education lays a lasting bedrock and legacy for several generations to become prepared for the task of promoting and maintaining a united and “functional” Nigeria, where governance works. 

On a day like today, we should be celebrating our independence in a manner that positively consolidates our collective gains as a people. Today serves as a reminder of how far we have come and how long of a journey we still have ahead to put Nigeria on the pedestal to “glowing in gold”. If Nigeria must succeed, it must prioritise the welfare of its future, which is the youth population. 

Today offers me an opportunity to make a clarion call to all Nigerians, particularly our leaders, to move away from the rhetoric of “we will” to “we have and will continue to” consolidate efforts aimed at empowering the different sectors of governance that strengthens the agency of our youth and increase their ability to thrive within the country. 

The rhetoric of governance should be one that matches policies with effective actions; governance should move towards interdependence rather than just celebrating ‘independence’. Nigeria’s young population offer a significant resource that will support the country’s growth and ability to thrive through thick and thin. 

Thus, citizen’s welfare, including educational governance, should be part of the topmost priorities of Nigeria’s leadership, especially when the country seems to be sliding into trajectories that represent defining moments in the country’s history.

Celebrating interdependence allows us, as a people, to display our laurels and collective achievements, rather than reverberate actions that continues to divide us. Today is a day for sober reflection, when all Nigerians must examine our individual and collective contributions to our country’s growth and development. What connects us is always stronger than the things that divide us. As we celebrate another Independence Day, I urge all Nigerians to remain resolute as I know that we will overcome all our troubles. 

We should be optimistic because “these too shall pass away”. My fellow Nigerians and comrades, as we celebrate our country’s independence, let us also celebrate the labours of our heroes’ past, the bravery of the gallant men of Nigeria’s armed forces, and other countrymen who lost their lives in a bid to defend our country and in various incidences of insecurity. 

I encourage us to continue to remember their families in our prayers, even as we pray for God’s mercy and healing upon our land. I seize this opportunity to ask the federal government of Nigeria to work coordinately and effectively to deliver the dividends of democracy in order to transition the country away from economic hardship, insecurities, and the systemic inefficiencies of governance. Our independence is incomplete without visible evidence of prosperity in our nation. 

As we continue to stand together as ONE, let us continue to reflect on our collective values, letting them form the very essence of our co-existence as a people. Nigeria will be great! Nigeria will succeed!! Nigeria will overcome!!!

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Comrade Oladoja Olushola
NANS Presidential Candidate 2019

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