Kogi State Don't Need Fable mind to Combat Criminals.

By Engr. M. Jamiu Habeeb, Kogi

The cycle of violence being unleashed on Kogi State before the dispensation of the APC Government under the leadership of Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello. Criminality has heightened fears among the Populace of the state and the passer-by/travelers that hostility has gone beyond religions, ethnic, clannish and political coloration. 
Yahaya Bello

The dangerous dimension of the insecurity challenges as at then became a great source of worried where by the security agencies in the state could affirmed what is on the ground has shifted to the realm of terrorism, where no one was safe anymore. Promises weren't enough since the Government of PDP wasn't making any effort to resolve the situation. 

PDP ruled for complete twelve years, but those years were jeopardized by the then Government to tackle criminals in the State. The lack of insecurity for those years, limited access to Economic Growth, Infrastructural Development, Travelers were being hunted even in broad daylight, banks & shops were completely shut down and some often closed before their usual closing time due to the level of insecurity in Kogi State. And kidnapping was 
The order of the day,  whereby it becomes a norm in the State for an individual to take the law into their hand by killing/maiming their fellow men & Women. 

The Case of Kogi State as at then, was as a result of the high level of unemployment especially the youths. They were adversely attracted to violent crime. 

The failed administration of PDP Government for the wasted years in the State to address the issues of unemployment, inequalities and youths inclusiveness in the government plus poverty among the youths were the major causes of crime in Kogi State. 

But when Alh. Yahaya Adoza Bello assumed Office, a multidimensional approach was launched to tackle the level of insecurity threat in the State. His administration as well pledged to build more on Human Capital Project if re-elected come Nov. 16th, 2019 Governorship election.

It is well very obvious that, Kogi State doesn't need a weak, vulgar, debased uncouth people who have failed outrightly during their 12 years stint in power to combat criminals activity in our dear State. We need Fearless, Focus,  Competent and compassionate leader like Alh. Yahaya Adoza Bello to move Kogi State Forward.

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