Adeboye leads spiritual warfare on kingdom of darkness

THE fourth day of the ongoing 67th annual convention of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, with the theme; “And God Said” took a radical change as the General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye made the deliverance night an interactive session.

Speaking on a subtitle; “Move the mountain” the man of God made the mammoth crowd of worshippers in both auditoriums and those watching on the internet and other devices across the world to violently pray and decree over different demonic manipulations as he ministered.

He began the deliverance service with a word of caution, saying: “You must hearken diligently tonight, somebody is going to be free tonight and will never be recaptured; your mountain must move tonight. You must pray violently. The only language that the devil understands is the language of violence. The kingdom of God suffereth violence, you don’t treat the devil gently. The Bible didn’t say you should tolerate it but resist devil and it will flee from you.

“Numbers 33:55: God said that any mountain that you did not remove will become thorns in your flesh. Tonight, every mountain must move.

How to move mountain:

*Have faith in God. Hebrews 11:6, but you must know Him before you can have faith in Him.

*You must know God as unchangeable changer. Malachi 3:6

*You must know God as no respecter of persons. Acts 10:34-35. That what He has done for anyone before, He will do it for you.

*Speak to your mountain: Psalms 90:1-2. He knows all the mountains. Tell your problems about your God. “Suppose you are sick, tell sickness to hear the word of God, John 1:1-3 God made me. Tell sickness that my God is the potter, I’m the clay. Jeremiah 18:1-6, Mark 3:1-5 God can make me whole. John 9:1-7 God can recreate me for His glory. My God has enough power to cure the incurable. Mark 5:25-34 God has done it before He will do it again. Mark 1:40-45. My God has not changed: Psalms 188:17. I will not die I will live and declare the work of God.


*Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I command every sickness, disease, ache, pain in my body, poverty, demonic oppression, fruitless efforts/barrenness and general curse, disappear now. Mountain of sickness and disease move now.

“You must make sure that the mountain you are asking to move is not placed there by God. If you are still living in sin, the mountain will not move. Numbers 22:21-34, Acts 19 :13-17. You can’t continue in sin and expect grace to abound, Isaiah 59:1-2. Give your life to Jesus. Only children of God can command mountain to move,” and as he made the different declarations, there was a spontaneous hysterical responses from the large crowd of worshippers. At the end of the message and in the spirit of communality, he urged all worshippers to join hands and pray for one another, saying: “every mountain in the life of my neighbour, move in Jesus’ name.”

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