Akeredolu Set To Create Council Areas for grassroots

Ondo State governor, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN, has said his administration would in the next few months create Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) for the development of the grassroots.
Akeredolu and members
Akeredolu said his government was determined to make necessary moves that would accelerate all-round development of the people at the grassroots level. 

He, however, assured the people of the state that the government would not create LCDAs which number would be more than necessary. 

The Governor spoke in his office on Friday while receiving the report of the Committee on Creation of Local Council Development Areas led by the Chairman, Prince Lanke Odogiyan. 

Arakunrin Akeredolu expressed the appreciation of the state government to the chairman and members of the committee for a thorough job done. 

He said he was aware that the task they undertook was not the easiest anybody could do because of the seriousness the people attached to the issue of local government creation. 

Akeredolu said: "We will look into this and make sure that in few months, we create the LCDAs. It's usual we still subject this to other people to look before exco looks at it."

The governor had on March 21, 2019 constituted the committee to look into the possibility of creating LCDAs in the state. 

He said his decision was hinged on genuine economic development of the people.

According to the governor new media SA, Olabode R Olatunde, the exercise would ultimately benefit the people and restore their dignity and pride as prime producers, and not as incurable consumers of other people's ideas and products.

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