Confusion as ‘prayer warriors’ compete with medical doctors for patients

Mrs Felicia Eze, an officer with the Nigeria Immigration Service, believed that her husband, Mr Basil Eze, was responsible for her sickness. A prophet told her so. The couple were living happily until Felicia started experiencing a severe back pain, which got worse each day. At a point the woman was finding it very difficult to stand, or even to sit down. At that point, she was still in good terms with her husband, who was so concerned about his wife’s medical condition and decided to take her to the hospital for medical treatment. After tests were carried out at the hospital, the consultant who attended to Felicia recommended that she undergo an urgent surgical intervention to correct the problem. From the findings made by the hospital, it was discovered that Felicia could lose the use of her limbs if the problem was left to linger.

The couple agreed to proceed with the treatment and Felicia was booked for surgery. But, shortly after that, the story took a totally different turn. Although she and her family worshipped at a mainstream Pentecostal church, Felicia also ‘consulted’ a prophet, who had a small ‘prayer ministry’. The prophet, a ‘prayer warrior’, is believed to commune directly with God, according to members of his ministry. Before going for the surgery, Felicia decided to consult the prophet. After extensive prayers, the ‘man of God’ dropped a bombshell. He informed the woman that her husband, Eze, was responsible for her ailment. According to the revelation, which he relayed to Felicia, her husband intended to kill her, take over her ‘wealth’, and then marry another wife. The prophet also warned that Felicia would die if she went ahead with the surgery. He advised the woman that her condition was a ‘spiritual problem’ that could only be cured through payers. Felicia believed him, and all of a sudden, the peace hitherto enjoyed by the family vanished as the woman turned against her husband, accusing him of wanting her dead. She also backed out of the already scheduled surgery.

For several months Felicia kept going to the prophet for prayers, even as her health, and her relationship with her husband and her children, continued to deteriorate. Eventually, her children ‘dragged’ her to the hospital, and the surgery was performed. It was successful, and Felicia did not die. Rather, she recovered.

Interestingly, the first person Felicia asked for after the surgery was her husband, Eze, who she had not spoken to in months. Eze and the children were waiting in the hospital ward when she was wheeled in from the theatre. The Ezes became a happy family once again as Felicia recovered from the ailment.

A consultant neurosurgeon at Memfys Hospital of Neurosurgery, Enugu, Dr Chika Ndubuisi, who is aware of the case, explained that Felicia could have become paralysed if she had continued to delay the surgery.

“The woman delayed treatment for seven months and would have become paralysed,” he told our correspondent in a telephone interview.

Felicia was lucky. Juliet Ugonna and Ejiro Felix were also among the lucky ones.

When Ugonna suddenly slumped and became unconscious just after getting home from work one afternoon, her relatives suspected a case of ‘spiritual attack’. The lady was not rushed to the hospital immediately – people around when the incident occurred, including her mother, some other relatives and neighbours, embarked on prayers. After a while, she was taken to a nearby hospital on their street in Aba, Abia State. However, after regaining consciousness in the hospital, Ugonna kept complaining of a very severe headache which came and went at intervals. When she was not experiencing the headache, Ugonna would seem fine and in good health and her relatives would ask the doctors to discharge her so that they all could go home. But then the pain would return, accompanied by loud cries of agony from the patient. Confused and exasperated, Ugonna’s mother started consulting different prophets and prayer warriors. But the revelations revealed by the prophets further compounded the confusion. All the prophets came up with different reasons as the cause of Ugonna’s ‘strange’ ailment – some said she stepped on ‘juju’, or poison, at her work place, some said she was under spiritual attack by some people who were engaged in a land dispute with her parents, others said the sickness was the doing of a ‘spiritual husband’, who was angry that a young man was coming to ask for Ugonna’s hand in marriage. Yet another prophet said the ailment was a manifestation of a ‘curse’ in her family. While the prophets differed in their ‘revelations’, they agreed on one fact – Ugonna’s condition was spiritual and could only be handled with prayers.

Fortunately for Ugonna, even as her family was seeking a spiritual solution, they did not neglect medical intervention. Having been taken to a bigger hospital, she was attended to by a medical specialist who recommended an MRI scan on the brain. When the result came out, it was discovered that Ugonna was suffering from a case of subarachnoid haemorrhage – bleeding in the brain caused by rupture of a vein in the skull. The situation required an urgent brain surgery, and since it was already about three days since the incident occurred, time was running out. Luckily for Ugonna, her surgery at a neurosurgical hospital was successful.

“I thank God that I was taken to hospital even as prayers were being said for me,” Ugonna observed, while narrating her experience in a telephone chat with our correspondent.

In Felix’s case, doctors had recommended a surgical intervention after he was diagnosed with brain tumour. “But the man of God warned that if the patient underwent surgery, he would die. So the mother, a Phd holder in education and also a lecturer, rather than heed the advice of doctors, insisted on following the instructions of the man of God. Eventually, a relative, who is a medical doctor, convinced them that the surgery must be done, so they came back. But on the night of the surgery, the man of God sent another message to the woman that if the surgery took place her son would die, and the woman again refused to proceed with the surgery. But after some time, the patient, reluctantly, agreed to have the surgery and it was successful – he recovered,” Ndubuisi, a neurosurgeon, disclosed.

Some others are not lucky as the ‘intervention’ of prayer warriors led to probably ‘avoidable’ deaths.

Sunday James, a businessman, shook his head and wiped tears from his eyes as he narrated the circumstances that surrounded the death of his wife. Sandra, James’ wife, was pregnant with twins, and long before her due date, the gynaecologist at the hospital where she was going for antenatal care recommended that the birth should be by Caesarian Section, due to certain complications. James rallied to get the fees for the CS ready on time, even before the time the operation was scheduled. But Sandra’s mother informed a prophetess about the development, and asked for special prayers for her daughter’s safe delivery. The prophetess told Sandra’s mother that it was not the will of God that the birth would be by CS. She said Sandra would put to bed naturally, like the Hebrew women in the Holy Bible. The prophetess also instructed that Sandra should be brought to her prayer house once she started feeling the signs of labour. The prophetess is a widely acclaimed seer with thousands of followers and Sandra and her mother had no doubts whatsoever concerning her revelations. But James was kept in the dark, and as he was hustling to put money and other logistics together ahead of the anticipated delivery, his wife and her mother were preparing to move down to the prayer house. Unfortunately for James, the Expected Date of Delivery fell during a scheduled business trip to China but then, he had made all the necessary arrangements, and was looking forward to returning to meet his wife and the new twins. As instructed, Sandra’s mother took her to the prophetess’ prayer house when she went into labour, even though they had informed the husband, James, that they were going to the hospital. The gynaecologist, who had been checking up on Sandra, also called to know when she would be coming to have a CS. He was informed that Sandra would come ‘soon’. But that was the last James, or any other person, heard from Sandra. She died while trying to deliver the twins, after a prolonged labour at the prayer house. The babies also died. The prophetess fled. Grief-stricken and consumed with a sense of guilt, Sandra’s mother could not muster the courage to give James the terrible news.

“I was in constant communication with my wife and her mother, who was staying with her in my house, when I was in China. The last I heard from them was when I was told she had gone into labour and that they were going to the hospital. I was tensed up but I was also expecting good news so I became agitated when I couldn’t hear from them afterwards. It was my younger brother that eventually told me what happened,” James, who said he could not get over the tragic incident, told our correspondent during an encounter in Lagos.

Also, the death of a six-year-old boy, who was diagnosed with brain tumour, could have been prevented, if his parents had not decided that the situation should be addressed spiritually, rather than with orthodox medicine.

Ndubuisi, who was also aware of the case, disclosed, “It is a case where an avoidable death could have been prevented. The child was suffering from tumour in the brain and that tumour blocked the water flow to the brain, what we call hydrocephalus. The parents are educated. After the diagnosis, they were counselled on the urgent need for a surgery to divert the water even if they were not ready for the surgery to remove the tumour at that time. There were concerns that the hydrocephalus was going to build up and kill the child.

“The parents asked for some time to go and come back. Surprisingly they went to a church and came back about six weeks later insisting we should do a brain scan for the patient. We thought maybe they came back for surgical intervention but they insisted we do a scan (to confirm the supposed healing in the church). We did the scan and the problem was still there. Normally, they (prayer warriors) will ask them to go and get a medical report to confirm the healing.

“The parents were again counselled on the need for urgent surgical intervention because the scan showed that the tumour was getting worse but instead of accepting admission, they said we should give them three more days and they went ahead to check into a hotel near the hospital. From there they were trying to contact the church. Barely 48 hours after, the patient slumped and couldn’t be revived. Before they could even move him from the hotel to the hospital, the boy had already died and the sad thing is he was the only child of the parents.”

Another tragic case involved a lady, a banker, who was diagnosed with low blood pressure. When she collapsed one day, after her condition worsened, rather than rush her to the hospital, her relatives took her to some prayer warriors. They believed that it was a case of spiritual attack and did not require medical attention in hospital. However, when she couldn’t recover in the prayer house, they decided to take her to the hospital. But by the time they got to the hospital, she was pronounced dead.

“That may have been an avoidable death,” Ndubuisi observed.

Public health problem

Noting that the situation whereby medical cases are adjudged as ‘spiritual’ was making it difficult for some patients to come to hospital early enough, Ndubuisi said the problem was a serious challenge in medical circles.

He stressed that the development had become a public health problem.

The consultant neurosurgeon said, “The problem has been there for a long time but now we are beginning to speak out against it because it is becoming a serious challenge in medical circles. The impact is getting worse and the problem there is that those involved will not come to hospital early.

“Most times, people don’t see the proper experts early enough because one or two suggestions by prayer warriors will sway them but the truth is they (prayer warriors) are not really in a position to make informed decisions for those that come to them. Worse still, people exhaust their resources at the prayer houses before coming to hospital to access the proper medical treatment. That is why I think it is becoming a public health problem.

“Most of these prayer warriors advise from the point of ignorance – they always talk of death, death, death, and this makes patients to stay away from the hospital, thereby delaying treatment for a long time.”

A consultant psychiatrist at the Federal Neuro-Psychiatrist Hospital, Yaba, Lagos, Dr Olugbenga Owoeye, noted that delaying the time a patient is brought to the hospital tends to have a negative effect on the outcome of treatment, when the case eventually gets the necessary medical attention.

“When there is delay over a period of time before eventually coming to the hospital for treatment, it tends to affect both the treatment and the outcome of the treatment,” he said in an interview with our correspondent.

‘Undue interference by prayer warriors in medical issues’

Ndubuisi, in the same vein, spoke of what he described as ‘undue interference’ by prayer warriors in the work of medical professionals.

Giving several instances to highlight the situation, he said, “Another unfortunate issue is sometimes when patients die genuinely in the hospital, their families contact the man of God. The man of God might say that they should leave the corpse for two or three days before taking it to the mortuary. There is something we call ‘brain dead’, which means the brain has died but the heart may still be beating. The doctor can never convince the deceased’s relatives that this person can no longer be revived so they will say he is alive, until the man of God says otherwise. I think this is an undue interference.”

Religious leaders react

While medical practitioners are grappling with the complications thrown up by the involvement of prayer warriors in medical issues, religious leaders are of the view that while prayer is essential for the well-being of human beings, patients should endeavour to seek medical help when they are sick.

Religious leaders who spoke to our correspondent include Rev Fr Benjamin Achi of the Enugu Catholic Archdiocese, Pastor Dr Joseph Ajujungwa, a leader of the Christian Association of Nigeria in the South-East zone, and the Secretary-General of Jama’atu Nasril Islam, Dr Abubakar Khalid-Aliyu.

In a telephone interview with our correspondent, Achi described the ‘intervention’ of prayer warriors in medical issues as a tragic development, particularly in the southeastern part of the country.

He said, “It is a tragedy in our area and it says a lot about our people’s perception of religion and what God can do for them. We are working very hard to correct that impression; it is a very bad understanding of religion. It is a wrong approach.”

“The first port of call for anybody who is sick should be the hospital because God has made it possible for us to find medical solutions to our health problems. People should desist from complicating their medical problems by opting for prayer houses when they should go to the hospital. In most instances, these prayer warriors make the situation worse so people should do the correct thing when they are ill. Seeking medical solution to health problems in a hospital is the appropriate thing to do,” he added.

Ajujungwa noted that some people are not able to differentiate between medical cases and spiritual issues due to ignorance and foolishness.

“Some of the cases bother on foolishness – the Holy Bible said, ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’. Some people do not differentiate between what requires orthodox medicine or prayers. Personally, I am of the opinion that matters that should be referred to the hospital should not be taken to prayer houses. For example, I had appendicitis; I had to go to the hospital for it to be removed. Why should I go to prayer house?” he added.

Also reacting to the matter, Khalid-Aliyu said, “For us, the teaching is that whenever you are sick, you seek treatment for that ailment. We don’t have any place kept aside specifically as a prayer house for the treatment of ailments. However, prayer is very essential in the life of a Muslim. There are issues you pray about, but if you are hungry, for instance, you should eat, instead of praying about it.

“It is rather absurd that people who have clear medical issues, some of which require surgery or other aspects of treatment, would resort to prayer houses. Of course God has the power to heal and it is He who heals. But it is also God who asked His servant to treat sicknesses in order to restore their health, therefore it is important.”

Why do people go to prayer warriors rather than hospitals?

The medical practitioners and the religious leaders identified various factors as the reasons some people shun hospitals for prayer houses when confronted with health challenges.

In Achi’s view, the major cause is that some of the prayer warriors have turned their ‘prayers’ into a sort of business, while blaming the development on the economic situation in the country.

However, Owoeye, a psychiatrist, observed that the prayer warriors are not forcing people to come to them.

But he also admitted that, in some cases, they claim they are capable of doing things they cannot do.

Asked if the prayer warriors are taking advantage of members of the public, Owoeye said, “It is not that they are taking advantage of people. They don’t go and canvass for people. People go there on their own, and those ones (prayer warriors) claim a lot of things they can do which they cannot even do. These prayer houses are not churches alone – they cut across all religions, including herbalists and all the rest.”

The psychiatrist added that many people opt for prayer warriors due to lack of knowledge.

Speaking from a mental health perspective, he observed that, in most cases, people do not understand the nature of the ailment, a situation which makes them to see the problem as ‘spiritual’, rather than medical.

Owoeye said, “Some people don’t have knowledge about what is happening to them, so they don’t know where to seek help. Another reason is lack of awareness – to what extent do our print and electronic media take it upon themselves to educate people about these mental health problems?

“Most of the severe mental health cases, especially depression, anxiety and stress related disorders, present in a way that people may not even know that hospital is the next port of call. So because of cultural beliefs and the stigma associated with such ailments, people don’t think of going to the hospital first. They want to seek spiritual intervention because they cannot explain what is happening.”

Fagboungbe, a psychologist, however, identified poverty as a major factor responsible for the problem.

On his part, Ajujungwa, a pastor, identified two factors – the high cost of medical treatment in hospitals, and ‘demonic attacks’, as responsible for the rising influence of prayer warriors in medical issues.

Khalid-Aliyu, an Islamic cleric, on his part, blamed the development on ignorance and the quest for pecuniary gains by some religious leaders, while stressing the importance of prayer in the life of a Muslim.

The neurosurgeon, Ndubuisi, also identified ignorance as the major reason people take their medical challenges to prayer warriors, instead of hospitals.

But he also noted that highly educated individuals are also involved in the practice.

He said, “It is even more worrisome that educated people are also involved – we can’t really say it is a problem of the uneducated ones alone. PhD holders are also affected. Ignorance and people’s beliefs play a major role in this phenomenon. People have always believed in spiritualism and faith, across all religions, including Christianity and Islam. Also, people prefer anybody who will tell them what they want to hear and in such situations, it becomes very difficult to convince them to do things differently.”

He equally observed that, in most cases, the prayer warriors should be held responsible for deceiving their followers.

“The blame should be shared between ignorance on the part of the concerned patients and the fact that the so-called prayer warriors treat the matter as business. They haven’t been able to tell people the full truth about the limitations of what they can do. Even though they profess they can do what God did 2,000 years ago, they are not God, and it was the same God that made it possible for mankind to record breakthroughs in the treatment of diseases,” he noted.

Prayer can complement medical treatment

Ndubuisi further observed that, rather than usurp the role of medical treatment, prayers can complement the work of medical professionals.

He said, “The prayer warriors should understand that the role of the medical doctor cannot be disputed. Even if you are in the hospital somebody can still pray for you at the same time, there shouldn’t be a barrier in what God can do. The two (prayer and medical treatment) can even be complementary – somebody can be praying for you in Jerusalem while you are receiving treatment in Nigeria. Patients should not be kept in the custody of people who are not ideally supposed to keep them for treatment. The doctor should take up the duty of treating the patient and the prayer warrior can be in the background, praying for healing.

“Also people should not see religion and medicine as contradictory, rather they should be complementary. They should go to hospital and heed the right medical advice while the person that is praying is praying. We need to educate our people. In countries where they are atheists people still recover from sickness. Faith healing may exist but the best approach, when anybody is sick, is to maximise available medical health care options.”

Interestingly, for Fagboungbe, prayers can only heal sickness when there is strong faith.

He said, “If your faith is shaky, you will only kill yourself if you go to a prayer warrior instead of going to a hospital when you are sick. If your faith is not strong enough, you better seek medical attention in a hospital.”

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