Beyond the Crisis: (YAPJEN TO NIGERIA) #democracy@20

By Joshua Nicholas

In this piece, YAPJEN identified the various challenges facing the nation, seeing beyond the Crisis and hoping for a glorious emergence of a Great Nation.

Some of our core and most identified problems are as follows:
Massive unemployment, particularly among youths - many of whom are educated and skilled.

Lack of Education and the decline of the already fainting educational system. Zero education for poor women.

Insurgency especially in the northern region of the country; which has sent thousands of Nigerians to an unprepared death. A network of pointless group waging war against the nation sponsored by some religious bigotry.
Giving way for terrorism and wanton destruction of lives and property in the North-Eastern part of the country by Boko Haram leading to what the United Nations (UN) in March 2017 described as the worst humanitarian crises since the creation of the UN,as hundreds of people who survived the crisis are homeless, and  on the verge of starving to death. Mind boggling slaughtering of Nigerians in the Middle-Belt and other parts of the country by rampaging Fulani herdsmen (who have recently been globally and appropriately classified as terrorists) wreaking havoc on lives and property across the country
Also, all manner of ethnic and religious crisis that are creating fear and distrust amongst Nigerians, this fueling the clamour for the restructuring of the country, and even agitations for break up of the country

Militancy in the southern region resulting to oil theft and other upheavals in the oil producing region of the country. This has led to the loss of  hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude oil for mono economy like ours, where we solely depend on crude oil to survive.

Astronomical increase and hyper inflation in prices of essential commodities, resulting in a situation where the majority of the citizens can no longer afford the basic necessities of life.

Pervasive poverty and extreme hunger in the land with many Nigerians, particularly children are on the verge of starvation. Infact Nigeria has been described as "the poverty capital of the world".

Continuing under-performance in the power sector which is shifting business enterprises and stunting industrialization and development, particularly the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) which constitutes the engine of economic growth, particularly in a developing economy like ours.

What should we do? Should we keep wailing on all that has gone wrong? No! This is a time to rise and take responsibility.
It's a time to chase off all these problems with our sincere commitment to the development of Nigeria.

On this epoch making event of 20 years of Democracy,  we shall continue to move forward and never go backward.
Together with YAPJEN, we can turn all the negative tides to a glorious future.
Insurgency can end, poverty can be alleviated, illiteracy will be abolished, inflation will cease, our energy level will increase.

We see the billows of the sea, we hear the clattering of the clouds but we clutter them up inconveniently; they were supposed to be coherent to avoid this decrepit state and curb debris.

We can be devout and Juggernaut in our religions, but hat doesn't embrace distraction and duel of ethnicity. We must run the errand, fascinating our freedom of democracy, avoiding fury and resisting gales; gleaning all our mishaps and unfortunate incident recorded by history.

I thank our great past leaders for their enormous commitment to raising up this nation to where it is today. Though we might not have gotten to the promised land. Their task were great, their trust were solid and their sacrifices are beyond explanations save but a few. 

Though the road may seem so uphill but we shall continue to ride. The psalmist rightly says "The Lord is Nigerian Shepherd we shall not want.

He maketh us to lie down in green pastures, he restoreth our soul. He leadeth us in the path of righteousness for his name sake. Yea, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil; for thou art with us , thy rod and thy staff, they comfort us. Thou preparedst a table before us in the presence of our enemies, thou anointed our head with oil, our cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

These are the words of the 23rd psalm although rephrased which we believe in that the still Waters of peace resides with us. If only we be faithful to the ideals of our patriots and founding fathers.
Beyond the Crisis is the Glory!

 *God bless Nigeria!* 
 *God bless Nigerians!!* 

 *Please share if you believe in Nigeria and you want God to be her Shepherd* 


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