Minimum Wage: NYSC Reveals Why New payment May Be Delayed For Corps Members

The Lagos state coordinator of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Mohammed Momoh, has suggested that corps members may experience delay in getting the Federal Government’s newly approved national minimum wage.
NYSC Members 
This, Momoh said, was because the NYSC is still waiting on the government to issue a circular regarding the payment of the increased minimum wage.

The coordinator assured that corps members who “fall within that said period and is qualified” for the increment in allowance would begin to receive the new payment of N30, 000 as soon as the circular is released.

“The effective date of implementation would be stated on the circular and any corps member that falls within that said period and is qualified for the monthly allowance would benefit from the increase if and when the implementation starts,” he explained.

“Corps members are Nigerians and it is only expected that they would benefit from the increase. At the appropriate time, the federal government would fix the allowance for corps members. This would then be made public by the NYSC.

“I have no doubt that the federal government would do the needful in accordance with the minimum wage.”

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