OPEN Day- Chapter Four part A

OPEN Day- Chapter Four part A

Published By: VAM News

The following morning, she did not waste much time, the first thing she did was to visit
OAUTHC and report to a doctor for proper care. The doctor felt pity for her but the deed was done.

 She was examined and she was found to be clean but her blood sample was taken for further tests.
She was given another appointment to get her results. She was encouraged to see a therapist but
she declined, it is a pain she has dealt with before so this one will not be an exception. She left the
doctor’s office and was set to leave for her shop.
She was not in her right state of mind, what she was doing she had no idea of.

She was
almost hit by a moving vehicle, all thanks to Mr. David that came to her rescue. He pulled her back to avoid the calamity. He was on his way to the hospital to check on his students that were hit the day before and being his free day he thought doing that will make much sense since the fiancé he wanted to spend the day has decided to show him the other side of love. She was yet to call nor
even ask after him, and he was not ready to do same, waiting for her to come and give him excuses again.

“Madam!” He called her back to life.
“Let me just die!” She screamed as Mr. David held her closer to himself waving the stopping passersby to go in order not to create any further drama.
“It is okay ma, all will be well but we really have to leave this place” He said as he lifted her head up from his chest.

“Where were you heading?”
he asked.
“My shop” She helplessly pointed towards her shop.
“Where is your place? I think you need much of rest than work right now”
“I will be fine was just lost in thoughts”
“Okay then, let me at least see you off to your shop, maybe I will come back later when I am done with what I want to do in the hospital.” He said as he guided her to her shop.

He was gone but she could still feel his presence, his muscular body and his grips. She
wanted more. But just then, it struck her mind that the voice was familiar.

She was helplessly sitting down when Dr. Aina’s call came in. She was reluctant at picking
the call but she had to because business will always be business no matter what.
“Uhm, when do you want it delivered now” She said boycotting any form of pleasantries before his wife will pounce on her again.
“Uh oh, Madam what is wrong this morning, no pleasantries?”

“Not just in the mood, I am sorry” She said defending herself.
“Okay then I understand. Is it possible to get it before my wife’s birthday, like a day before,
you know I told you it is a surprise something”
“No problem, just choose out of the designs I sent to you on time so I can commence work”
“Ooops, my bad, already did, check your whatsapp, already sent it there, and please
forward you account details so as to quickly make the transfer to avoid any further delay of the work”
“Alright sir” She said hanging up the call before any further communication will be
initiated ***

Johnson was not himself in class, the memories have refused to let go of him, he could not
believe his mother was raped in his presence and he could do nothing about it. The day was
dragging for he wanted to just leave school and go to console her mom the more.

It was obvious he was not that alright and the class has already entered into enough troubles because of his
inactivity. No one to raise his or her hand up to answer questions. No one to create comic
atmosphere in the class. His friends became even more disturbed but all were scared of approaching him because it was unusual of him to be in that mood.

Olaitan was even more worried because Johnson was like the only guy she was free with in the class. She was once alleged of
being into him, she denied but deep within her, she just wanted him to shoot his shot and the positive answer will just flow out of her mouth, but rather, Johnson was known for shyness when it comes to ladies and those that have been asking her out are not her type.
Watch out for Chapter Four,  Part B

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