Let's be watchful of false lips


By. Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.

Just this morning it occurred to me to put up a book to espouse my commentaries on politics with a narration I would love to inspire our precious generation with, but no, not in a hurry. I won’t just yet. 

I also noticed I have authored 79 political articles since I began my political voyage which I also hope to compile after a professional censorship to be christened "My Walk Across the Sahara Desert". Before that, I pledge to keep a dairy with us to interrogate issues as they occur within and beyond politics.

Politics. Nigeria. Two words that produce sparks when mixed and sap energy when indulged in. Nigerian politics is a planet on its own, a universe complete with its own rules of engagement, driven by the most contrived machinations and decidedly merciless on the innocent. It could be terrible and nasty yet interesting and intriguing when one has the heart for its surprises at every turn. I got that.
As I officially resumed back to work this morning from my long political adventure, my thoughts trailed home to the then battlefield of a drawn out political contest I was involved. I realized with a rush of emotions that I missed it all. I missed the atmosphere and the effervescent spirit our people.

I flashed back at those moments spent making the rounds across localities searching in the deepest heart of the people and lingering over several chats, drinks and food shared in the embracing towns visited. Then I remembered the hailing - rapturous shouts of, “ITURA ! ITURA !! ITURA !!!” which rent the air as crowds would  converge on our campaign trails charged by the belief in what we represented. 

I look back on the journey so far with gratitude, never regret. Whenever I reflect on where and how we started to where we are today, I am reminded that I found mercy before God and men. I’ve spent my life counting my blessings, big and little, and politics has given me even more reasons to be grateful as the selflessness of our supporters, friends, leaders - within and outside my party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has shown.

I am happy as one who knows a battle is lost but a war is almost won. I believe leadership and power at all time is predetermined by God, we as humans have the duty to engineer it to reality. But then I digress. 

Some human beings in the class of politicians can be unbelievably wicked and utterly terrible. They show no mercy, go any length to crush perceived enemies and have no compunction with morality to do the right thing. And I wonder, why? 

Sometimes, people to whom we’ve wittingly, or hoodwinked, entrusted with friendship and loyalty will literally kill someone if they must or just by a rash of whim without hesitation. You can know no rest when a vengeful or spiteful politician means to do you in for good. Really!

I contested an election, and though I did not win, that was not enough, as my ‘matter' is carried on a daily basis on false lips, and I wonder why?  Why do they seek to pit me against the people who selflessly made sacrifices for me? People who worked and voted for me without a penny? Why? How can anyone with a sane mind accuse me of betraying my party? How can someone accuse me of trading my election for political appointments in Abuja? Now, this is really a deep bend, sickening and appalling! 

That anyone would claim I sold out on my own election is sad. How? Was I voting at all polling units in the local government? Why are people wicked in thoughts and speech? If there was any case of betrayal in the last election, I am the victim. And now that I let myself think back on it I can’t help but sigh ruefully and shake my head.

Nevertheless, my election was God’s will. If the whole world betrayed me yet God wanted me at the time of the election, he would have shown his hand. Clearly! I am therefore happy with myself and everyone. That is how large my faith is in the divine providence of God, if not God would I ever have been positioned to contest the election?! I think not. We put in our best but it is called a political game for a reason, some played it better now and God wanted it so. 

It is also unfair for some persons to raise suspicion that I moved on too quickly and that I was even celebrating after the election. How did we get this low? Was I supposed to die? Should I not thank God in defeat as in victory? 

This is how you know I really did not lose a thing! I have my people’s love and my high spirit remains high! Misery has no business with a man on a divine mission. This is my case.

I am by nature a courageous and straight-forward person and I live my life with the understanding that life is transient. Those spreading the rumor that I am in an unholy relationship with APC are only wasting their time. Those beating their chest that they will see my end are mere jesters. My life is not solely built around politics. Politics for me has always been about development and service. I have a career, one which equips and opportune me to serve humanity and I have with me the grace of God. 

I do not play politics with deceit. I am not a perfect person but I cannot be described as an opportunist. I don't just take opportunities that are priceless, I love to make sacrifices. I love to have achievements not by short cuts but by meaningful efforts. These are the things that defines me.

Let it also be on record that I do not and cannot hold anybody responsible for my elections. I believe God ordains leaders. Yes, some people disappointed me but U had my mistakes, but above all God is supreme. If I cannot compromise against other people even with juicy offers, I couldn't have compromised against myself. 

Last last, we will all be alright.

- Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.,

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