By: Adetunji Ololade MR MONEY
Published by: VoiceAirMedia Nigeria 

According to Oxford dictionary "Time is The inevitable progression into the future with the passing of present events into the past". Time is inevitable, irreplaceable and this brings about the topic "A MINUTE OF MY TIME MUST NOT BE WASTED".
     Adetunji Ololade Mr Money
A student that cannot sit down and read for at least an hour but can chat for 12hours is that one a student?. Oh that reminds of an expert He said " If reading is difficult then try brick laying" but you can never choose brick laying but this education that you choose how do you handle it? Remember "A minute of my time must not be wasted". Don't waste your precious time  on anything that has no positive impact to your lives. Remember those times wasted can never come back unless you try again, now that you have the opportunity utilise your time wisely.

"School you don't go, hand work you refuse to learn you  said you cant learn  trading so what do you want to do? " Sitting down at home, Roaming the streets and Begging for money? Why begging for money when you can be a giver of money? Its just a matter of "Time, self discipline, and determination" you will surely get to your promise land but once "A minute of your time is wasted" that will increase the distance of you getting to the promise land. This why you must understand "A minute of my time must not be wasted".  

There is time for everything you can't be chasing many things at the same time you won't be able to focus, most people these days are busy chasing love instead of their career. Love is inevitable but your career first, no man or woman will  marry a "cunt"as a husband or wife. And if you claim love is blind I bet it with you, marriage will open your blinded love then you will realise a minute of your time must not be wasted. 

A case study is a student that got busy with clubbing, partying etc having forgotten that there is time for everything but unfortunately when the results is out then he/she will understand why "A minute of my Time with must not be wasted". 

You were sent to school to go acquire knowledge but what have you acquired so far ? Politics you didn't participate, press club, fellowships, associations and unions, entertainment club etc where you can acquire knowledge and explore your potentials you never care to participate. in fact your lectures attendance is poor even when you attend you don't care about what you are being taught in class and your academic performance isn't encouraging so "of what will be your gain if after graduation and you are still unemployed due to your incompetence". Then you will say "had it been I know when I had the chance I would have done these" but now that you still have the chance  what's holding you remember "A minute of my time must not be wasted".

You claim you want to be successful right? But you have almost seven girlfriends/boyfriends. Successful men are not woman chasers rather they are termed as goal chasers. After achieving your goals not ordinary women or men will chase you but many successful women will want to be with you. So brothers and sisters don't waste your time on irrelevant things remember the formula "1+0=1" As the time wasted can never be recovered. So this is one of the reasons why you must understand why "A minute of my time must not be wasted".

 Someone that paraded himself "man of God" but still takes toxic alcoholic drinks, smoking heavily indoor, fornicating and committing adultery and fake prophecy is a waste of time because sooner or later you will be exposed and fake things doesn't last forever. Why wasting your time pastor on this worldly things you can still right your wrongs now that you still have the chance otherwise you will later realized why "A minute of my time must not be wasted" and by then it might be too late because your time might have passed then. 

There's nothing wrong in taking good care of one's skin but of what purpose is it spending money on Make ups, expensive creams, clothes and phones when you still have an unpaid rent, unpaid school fees etc is it until your children are sent out of school before you  know what you had to do or is it until the semester is almost over that you know you have to start preparing for exams by then It might be too late and this is why "A MINUTE OF MY TIME MUST NOT BE WASTED".

Joining cultism in a bid to protect yourself is a big waste of time because sooner or later when nemesis speaks you will understand God's protection is the best then you will realise you have wasted your precious time on nothing be wise "A minute of my time must not be wasted.

I strongly believe in one of the physics laws that states "A body will remains stationery at its initial position except If an external force is exerted on it". Same thing applicable to our lives,  the external force in this case is the time applied if you use your time appropriately you will get to the promise land and if otherwise time will keep passing by until you realise why "A MINUTE OF MY TIME MUST BE WASTED". 

See you on my next article titled "ILLITERATE STUDENTS AND GRADUATES" till then kindly read and digest this article "A MINUTE OF MY TIME MUST NOT BE WASTED".


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