Report By Agency Reporter, December 16th,2018

Dear sir:

I will like to begin by quoting an old African proverb which says: 'when rainfall is accompanied by thunder, the ground does not only get wet, devastating traces are left behind that could affect generations yet unborn.' Which of many interpretations I confined one  to be 'when the growing up of a child is accompanied with huge charges for Eduction, his parent does not only suffer the mess due to lack of quality education to be provided for the ward but the community at large'.

Tuition fees have been at the forefront of political parties’ pre-election campaigning, but what do they really know about how the cost of higher education affects the number of students going to higher institutions , and the choices they make when applying?. Nigerian Government Sha!.

Perhaps it’s not surprising that these students aren’t doing as well. Driven by financial concerns, they are choosing courses they don’t really want to do, in places they don’t really want to be, and are spending time working rather than studying. It's never a big deal seeing young men and women working to get educated, it's never new and it never a big deal. But one consistent fact we need to consider is the rate at which this men and women work into extent of getting the funds. Making it very disheartening to hear, and hurting to the heart when we discover we can't pay up with the little income we earn.

Yet concerns about the system have been mounting. Students are worried about meeting the costs of living, the burden of debt and the cost of servicing it. They fear that student debt will impact on life-changing decisions in the future.

Education was once thought of as the great equalizer by giving everyone a similar start in life. But too often it becomes a contributor to inequality by failing those who start out nearer the bottom – those who already face deficits in early learning and development.



1. The needs to be more flexibility in budgets at all levels of government, and the school management to allow educational innovations to be explored and services to be customized for students.

2. The need to get necessary body relating to Students and Students Welfarism knowing the cries and prays of the Nigerian Students should priority for your Government Sir.

3. I will advice, you ensure making most labour, machineries or work force more digitalized, upgraded and mordern. I must tell you that digitalization comes when we migrate from the use of generators to use of solar system, which will prove and get the running cost, fueling and maintenance of the generators to Solar System. *(Many more examples but Generators/Solar system as a case study because I studied Electrical Engineering)*
Energy costs are a huge chunk of every  budget, and dashboards can reveal exactly how much  is being used when and where. This means you can easily see where energy usage could be managed more efficiently. This could be as simple as arranging lecture schedules in order to use rooms in just one  building, rather than spreading across different buildings.

4. Sir, I will also advice you to use the relevance of your great office as at this time to bring back Student Insurance Scheme, Loan Grants, Scholarship facilities, etc for Nigerian Students by writing up necessary bodies, organizations, NGO and the desperate cries of Nigerian Students to make this things more effective and beneficial to us.

5. Investment of the School, even  the Student Union Body to the generation of income and bringing back the dead means of income generation should also be a vital issue to be raised in meetings with the Whos and your executives.

So, Sir, as a Nigerian Student through this open letter, I wish to publicly declare that the Nigerian Students  vehemently decry the recent hike in our fees and we exhort you and other decision-makers of this great Citadel of Higher Learning reverse to the previous fee structure. I thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully,
Olufisayomi Akinbode Akinwumi

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