How Do you finance Africa’s Development as a Leader?

How do you finance Africa’s development as a Leader?

Tunde A 

Leadership according to a layman’s assessment could be a front-line role, spoilt by responsibilities and tasks which takes time and experience to actualize, mostly by the leader. The concept could be indispensable and germane to sustaining Africa’s development, financing her development in both economy and science not even sidelining her leading role among other notable continents.

I think it is pertinent I apprise you of the fact that Africa is blessed, I mean spoilt with the required resources, both natural and man-made including the prerequisite human capital capable of making the best use of the available resources, and not wasting them in ignorance.
Having assessed myself deeply with the hope of ascertaining the degree of positive leadership in my person then, I reverted to some of its germs, which imbued me with hope, and faith in renascent Africa. I deem my intellectual strength strong, that it shouldn’t wane in discussing her problems, remedies and headways, bound to give her a face-lift despite being plagued by challenges. 
To start with, the basic problem with Africa which ate deeply into her fabric could be squarely the problem of leadership, how do you expect a continent wallowed in poisonous instability, and illegitimate government thrive successfully? How? As an astute and upcoming leader, it is expected of me to abide by the rules guiding the government, and as well pitch a constructive pillar of criticism against all forms of hegemony in the administration of the continent, it belongs to our silent fathers and to us by inheritance.
In addition to this, Africans are in dire need of help and mostly with their ailing health which deteriorate; they needed be operated on in the theatre of new mentalities and songs which goes a long way in changing their slow and steady stance, deeply rooted in procrastination. Oh! I shouldn’t be surprised when Plato that renowned philosopher from Athens projected temperance as an absolute evil if, addressed from the perspective of slow and steady. Their must be provisions in place for immediate developments, value adding ones with glaring testimonials or should we call a twenty years project an absolute good? Not even when other continents spent a year on planting the rocket.

If we are to inculcate development into our dictionary as Africans, I think it is mandatory we re-introduce the insurmountable principle of cooperation in rejuvenating, and enlivening the once indomitable Africa from the doldrums of internal threat, arched within her enclave, and among her countries. I think we should be able to determine our destinies, tell our own stories laced with unflinching passion for local and indigenous music which dwells much on our previous plights, and mistakes, not even when it blazes our culture as a people. Internal organizations like African union, organization of African unity e.t.c must be brought back in full force, at least to perform their duties which comprises the rudiments of peace-keeping, productive rescue missions on the economy not even sidelining the security of lives which abounds in each of her countries.

Moreso, If we are to change the impression of people about the continent then, we must be able to cater for the needs of our scholars who graduated from different fields ranging from the sciences to humanities, or the socials. An end must be put to Brain-drain which could be called Cankerworm that has the chances of rendering the continent impotent in the comity of outstanding ones. I don’t think this is possible without the rolling in of productive industries, laboratories, and platforms sure of projecting the best in our astute engineers, technocrats, and inventors. 

Outstanding talents in the field of Law should be gainfully employed, that they wouldn’t deem their appointments flimsy while scampering the nooks and cranny of developed countries for greener pastures, likewise the social lords who could fashion meanings out of our economy.      
Furthermore, the principles of the rule of law must be maintained if we are to sustain development, none should be declared superior when we are to apply the law not even the government who ruled. Immunity of heads of states or diplomats has, and would always be at our detriment until it   is deleted from the constitution, it gives the rulers an avenue to exploit the people of their resources, including the monetary gains it yields. They propound anti-people laws at their advantage and would end up running to other continents with African money which goes for landed properties, and sumptuous investments, all at our disadvantage, but to whose advantage I ask?  

I think we need introduce a special diet channeled to changing our youths for good, the drop-outs among them to be employed, and mostly for manual aspect of mining, digging of gutters for drainages, and more in constructing each of her country roads in return for something paltry, and within the capacity of the economy. This would go a long way in keeping them busy, and dissuading them from engaging in cyber-bullying, spillage of oil pipes in areas that harbour them, or excessive travels to developed countries bound to use them for the tasks mentioned. Their are thousands among them who would make things work if placed on scholarships, they would surely come up with mind-blowing ideas in exhibitions, business world, not even sidelining productive entertainment nicknamed Hot-cake in relation to the economy.      
Also, I think it is compulsory we put our best into agriculture so, as to declare our independence of unstable petroleum, a populous country as Nigeria is expected to utilize her labour force to the fullest this, should go a long way in catering for her growing population, transforming her wands to that of a producer which influences other African countries in the processing of agricultural raw materials to finished goods like Chocolate, Wheat, paper e.t.c. 

Conclusively, youthful leadership must be grounded into the governmental syllabus of Africa so, as to be assured of newer, and outstanding developments, with them, African politics will be sane though marred with the magical wand of developments.

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