All thanks  and adoration belongs to Almighty Allah for given us the opportunity to witness the 17th dialogue of TLF .
Am delighted for the grate opportunity given to me by the organizers of this dialogue to be here tonight.

The Roles of Professional Farmer & Their Importance towards Economy growth of a Nation. Greetings to distinguished ladies and gentlemen.
Who are the professional farmers
These are the set of people that have the basic, practical and   theoretical knowledge of farming, they are not qualify by certificate alone but they are still practicing farming as a business.
Farming :- This is an act or science of keeping or rearing of animals and cultivation of land ( Planting of crops) for human benefits either by direct consumption of their product as food or indirect use of their products for other human benefits e.g raw materials like cotton, hide and skin for leather company, tobacco for cigarette company, honey , herbs, mushroom for pharmaceutical company, Timber for Furniture makers. E.T.C.
Hope we are following the lecture
Now to the main business of today
People believe that before you can establish a business you have to have the business ideal or the knowledge of the business in order not to run at loss.
And before you can established and register your business you must be a professional or you employ a professional either has a regular staff or has an consultancy. Also to registered a company with cooperate affairs commission (C.A.C) you have to have a recommendation / certification letter from the  professional body of the the business you are doing, am i right ?
I keep on wondering that why people ( Africans, mostly Nigerians) are not careful of what we eat?, why is it that people are doing farming business o  n gambling like Bet ? why is it that people risk there money and life  by collecting loans  gameank, collecting gratitude after their 35 years of hard labour and at the end of the day they invest the money on gambling which later compromise their health ( some people have developed hypertension and stroke ) due to engaging in farming business.
By Good people of Today's leaders forum , i will like to ask you some questions.
1)Can you go to an hospital of no Qualified health workers like Medical doctors and nurse.
2) Can you send your children to school where this is no education experts.
3) Can you give your house  construction  to olden days builder
4) Can you give your new clothes to old school tailor
If all these questions are no
So, why is it that when it comes to what people consume as food. We give it production to amateur, we use old school technology for it production, We don't value professionalism. We keep on risking our money to invest in  business without proper consultation to the experts.
People don't realise that buying Agro- Allied product from non professional is worse  than buying paracetamol from clothes vendor store.Further more , with present population of the country combine with economy situation of things, my people, we can only handle farming business with new technology and innovation. Farming has gone beyond olden days technology.
The importance of professional farmers to the Economy of a country.
Are as follows:-
1) They help in farm business plan

2) They make sure that farm products are save and wholesome for human consumption.

3) They make sure farm productions are free from agro- allied residue which make the products to be acceptable any where in the world ( i.e make exportation to be easy and possible).
4) They think ahead of the business owner, help in risk management

5) They give professional advice on Technical issues

6)They give room for business expansion
Greetings to distinguished ladies and gentlemen.

Who are the professional farmers
These are the set of people that have the basic, practical and   theoretical knowledge of farming, they are not qualify by certificate alone but they are still practicing farming as a business.
Farming :- This is an act or science of keeping or rearing of animals and cultivation of land ( Planting of crops) for human benefits either by direct consumption of their product as food or indirect use of their products for other human benefits e.g raw materials like cotton, hide and skin for leather company, tobacco for cigarette company, honey , herbs, mushroom for pharmaceutical company, Timber for Furniture makers. E.T.C.
Hope we are following the lecture
Now to the main business of today
People believe that before you can establish a business you have to have the business ideal or the knowledge of the business in order not to run at loss.
And before you can established and register your business you must be a professional or you employ a professional either has a regular staff or has an consultancy. Also to registered a company with cooperate affairs commission (C.A.C) you have to have a recommendation / certification letter from the  professional body of the the business you are doing, am i right ?
I keep on wondering that why people ( Africans, mostly Nigerians) are not careful of what we eat?, why is it that people are doing farming business o  n gambling like Bet ? why is it that people risk there money and life  by collecting loans  gameank, collecting gratitude after their 35 years of hard labour and at the end of the day they invest the money on gambling which later compromise their health ( some people have developed hypertension and stroke ) due to engaging in farming business.
By Good people of Today's leaders forum , i will like to ask you some questions.
1)Can you go to an hospital of no Qualified health workers like Medical doctors and nurse.
2) Can you send your children to school where this is no education experts.
3) Can you give your house  construction  to olden days builder
4) Can you give your new clothes to old school tailor
If all these questions are no
So, why is it that when it comes to what people consume as food. We give it production to amateur, we use old school technology for it production, We don't value professionalism. We keep on risking our money to invest in  business without proper consultation to the experts.
People don't realise that buying Agro- Allied product from non professional is worse  than buying paracetamol from clothes vendor store.Further more , with present population of the country combine with economy situation of things, my people, we can only handle farming business with new technology and innovation. Farming has gone beyond olden days technology.
The importance of professional farmers to the Economy of a country. 7) They have the knowledge of risk management, diversification of business in time of risk and uncertainty.

8) They have the knowledge if environmental management in relative to waste management, so farm will be environmental friendly (i.e contribute little nuisance to the community.
9) They have the knowledge of product preservation, which make you to sell at high price  during the time of scarcity.

10) They help to reduce cost of production which make business owner to make huge profits.
If you are into farming business or you are planning to have a farm , pls try to employ a professional farmer either as a regular staff or as an consultancy.
Thank you for reading

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