Can Affiliate Marketing Be The Ultimate Employer Of Unemployed Nigerian Youths

If you’ve ever wondered how to earn passive income from your website, this post is going to become your new Bible. This goes without saying that you have to have a website or a form of online channel before you can have a successful affiliate campaign.

In other words…
Want to make a few extra bucks on the side without doing much?
Or maybe you’re wondering how to become an affiliate marketer and quit your day job?
Unfortunately, affiliate marketing is not something you can just wake up and decide you want to start. You have to build a structure first and this structure entails building an audience that trusts you, and then offering products or services that will genuinely help that audience.

Affiliate marketing is really just a quicker way to offer products and services without creating them yourself.
In practice, it’s a modern interpretation of a very old idea — getting a commission on a sale. You introduce your readers to products or services from trusted companies or individuals and get a commission on any sales to customers you send their way.
For bloggers, that means you find a product or service that you like, promote it to your readers, and earn part of the profit on each sale that you make.

Let’s give an example; so you decided to start a fashion blog/website in which you plan on updating your content just about every time. After consistently uploading quality content for a month or two. Let’s take a break and look at the keywords consistently and quality.
Consistency: it goes without saying as a new blogger or a blogger generally, one of the best ways to garner traction is to frequently churn out content. It’s best to have a blogging schedule of some sorts so your audience can know when a new post is up. This will generally keep them coming back when they know that at a certain time you will have a new post up. However, if your posting schedule is just all over the place, posting a day and then disappearing till the next two weeks, you should not expect your audience to come back, as a matter of fact, you will be viewed as unserious and uneducated.

Quality: posting consistently is key but so is posting quality content. As a fashion blogger or a blogger in any niche for that matter, you should know that posting quality content is what will make your audience trust you.
A quality content entails;
1. Research; you need to take your time out to research any topic from several sources so you will be well informed about the topic you’re writing on.
2. Good Pictorial representation; as a fashion blogger, it goes without saying that you will need a lot of pictures, one or two Is enough depending on the length of the content you’re writing.
3. Structure: your content needs to be well structured to encourage easy readability.
With consistent quality content, you can build a loyal audience within two months. After these two months, as a fashion blogger, you can send a message to fashion brands that you are willing to sell their products on your blog. Now, you need to understand that affiliate Marketing is plain different from just advertising a product on your brand. Most times it feels natural, like you’re recommending the product rather than advertising. In essence this is content marketing, you’re marketing to your audience without actually marketing.

After this, most brands will be interested so they will give you a special link to include in your related posts (a little about this later). When readers click on these links and buy from the brand, you get a small commission at no extra cost to your audience. Most times these companies can even offer your audience special discounts or coupons.

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Affiliate Brands
1. The brands have to be related to your blog/website niche. You cannot be writing about fashion then include a food link. When you do that it will be obvious you’re advertising and your blog will not be well represented, you have to include links to just fashion products. Furthermore, the product you’re linking to should be very related to the topic you’re writing about. You can’t be writing about African prints and then include links to trendy jeans. You should foremost include links to where they can buy quality African prints from.
2. Make sure the brand produces quality products. It’s advisable to have patronised them at one point or have a trusted friend who has. This is so you can judge the quality of their products before vouching for them. Remember when you include links to a product for your readers, you are recommending that product and when that brand does not deliver quality products, it will have an adverse effect on the credibility of your blog as whole.
3. The product has to genuinely help your audience at that point.
We will be writing more

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