My name is Sobiefaa ogenetega, I am a Christian from sagbama Local Government of Bayelsa State. I was 27 when I graduated from Niger Delta University with the hope that I will be married to my boyfriend of six years. I have been dating Preye since I was in the village. Preye was the best guy I have ever met in my life.
Nobody doubted our compatibility because we were just a perfect match. All my friends and family members loved him so much that they never wanted to see us quarreling. Fortunately he is also Ogenetega by name, sharing the same name with my dad and by implication I didn”t need to change my name when we are married.
I graduated from NDU University, while he graduated from University of Port Harcourt, He was posted to Kaduna for his youth service while I was posted to Calabar for my Youth service. The one year compulsory NYSC scheme took us far apart for the first time. He called me everyday, we chatted on WhatsApp and even made Skype calls. He sent me his latest pictures whenever he took them, and I also sent him mine.

Even though we were miles apart, we communicated like we were together. Sometimes we could spend hours or more chatting on WhatsApp and updating each other about our daily activities
My problem with Preye all started when I called him on Thursday before my Community Development Service and his phone was switched off. Maybe he had a flat battery over the night, I thought within me. I came back from my CDS at about 2pm but his number was still not going through neither had he call me. Whenever his phone battery was low and may not have opportunity to charge it, he always calls me to notify me ahead so I won’t worry. Preye knows my phone number by heart, while didn’t he use any of his friend’s or neighbour’s phone to call me?
What has happened to Preye? I became over agitated and worried. ‘This is 7pm and I have not heard from Preye. He can’t stay for 24 hours without talking to me. What must have happened?’

Unfortunately for me I have never try saving any of his friend’s phone number he had used to call me on previous occasions. I quickly picked my phone, scrolled through my old call records to see if I could trace the last time he called me with a strange number. Where will I start from? He called me last on 25th with a strange number. There are about thirteen unsaved numbers that called on 25th. I dialed the first one, “hello! Hello! I am Sobiefaa Ogenetega, Preye’s fiancée from Calabar, please is this Preye’s friend? I asked. Which Preye? The other person from the other end asked hurriedly. I don’t know any Preye please, you are calling a wrong number.’ I hung up the call immediately.
It took me time and courage to dial the second number. “Hello! Hello!! My name is Sobiefaa Tega, I just want to ask if you know any Oghenepreye David, a Corper serving in Kaduna?’

‘Where are you calling from young lady?’ The man asked me. ‘I am Preye’s fiancée from calabar.’ I am sorry I don’t know any Preye who is a Corper but I must say you have a nice voice and I will be willing to assist you find your Preye if you will let us be friends.’

I became furious and wanted to end the call but immediately remembered his statement “I will be willing to assist you find your Preye” Reluctantly I asked, ‘How do you intend doing that when you don’t even know who I am talking about?’
I work with NYSC secretariat in Kano and I can trace any Corper serving in any part of this nation. Just give me his name, state code number and his place of primary assignment. This sounded hopeful, I became interested in the conversation. ‘Sir I am grateful, I will send you all the details you asked for now.’
‘I know you are Sobiefaa Oghene from your introduction but can I know you better? He asked.’
‘Sir, what more do you want to know about me?’ I quickly asked. I told myself I will play along until he helps me get Preye, then...

To be continued...

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