We were many leaving Amphitheatre at the same time, some were rushing, probably because they were having another class elsewhere at that time, every attempt to get to Miss Beauty proved abortive and I gave up after I got to ODLT1 and discovered she was having another class. She looked back at me and gave a terrible smile that got me more pissed that I was forced to raise my middle finger at her and then walked away. That moment, I just walked away and went straight to Faculty of Administration basement to sit down and cool my head off.

At the basement was Grace who was going through her Sociology note and as a sharp guy that I was, I quickly sat beside her to beg for note which of course she refused to give me except I will quickly make photocopy of it, and instantly I took the note to one Iya Ayo that used to make photocopies back then, and so I got my first class note photocopied, all thank to the beautiful Grace. “What do you say about we eating suya tonight?” I asked Grace and my joy was super full when she agreed to my little and humble proposal, at the back of my mind, I was like, “Which moz girl will say no to a suya invitation.”
Back then, to get the attention of any girl from Mozambique hall of residence, or even to follow you anywhere including the almighty motion ground, just get her suya and you are good to go. And so with a suya night booked with Grace, I headed to my room to continue my master league which I started even before resumption.

Just as I approached White House basement, I met Damilola who stayed in room T2, and fortunately for me, she was also heading to her hostel and so I had a company to Anglo-moz. After tapping enough “current” from Damilola, we started walking towards our destination, and the first  thing she said was…”Will you like to come over tonight, that we may hang out together” chisos of warri!!! Who asked me not to take 1000SLT route, of course I said yes but I told her not until 11pm because by then I hoped to be done with Grace.
Before we reached Anglo-moz arena, I made sure I talked her into having a romance session together, should Grace be doing holy-holy.

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