DISCLAIMER – This is a pure work of imagination aided by inspiration, any semblance of real life event (Name, organization and so on) is a mere coincidence.

As at the time we entered Amphitheatre, Praise and Worship session was still ongoing with everyone obviously in the spirit.  I was lost, and it felt like I was in a strange land, I wanted to leave immediately because I was like the only stranger in their midst, but because of the fact that I wanted to stay more with Felicia, I decided to endure and just played along throughout the praise and worship session. The sermon of that service was basically about me and the atrocities I have committed, I was shocked, the Pastor that preached that day did not help the matter, and he was just hitting the nail on the head. 
It was time for alter call, no one neither raised their hand nor stepped forward, so in my mind, I thought everyone was holy, maybe except me.
“Have you given your life to Christ?” Felicia asked me and immediately, I innocently said,
“What’s that” and as if she was expecting me to say it, immediately I made that statement, she pushed my hand up and I was immediately recognized by the pastor, I was asked to come forward and to my surprise, I felt something I have never felt before, the feeling of shame and embarrassment was gone and the confession was made as I repeated some words after the pastor, after which I was prayed for and ushered away from the pulpit. I had no understanding of what I was doing for I kept on staring at beautiful Felicia as I walked back to our seat.
“That was awesome!” Felicia said on our way back to the hostel.
“What do you mean?” I asked curiously.
“You giving your life to Christ of course!” she enthusiastically said.
“Like seriously?” I replied her.
“You know what you did back there was a very great one” she said displaying her dimples.
“Okay ma, thank you for pushing me to do it” I said to avoid further arguments.
“You are welcome sir” she said as she took a sarcastic bow and we headed back to the hostel talking and laughing.
Few weeks after that event, my relationship with Felicia became more cordial and we got closer, it was not really an easy task for me to ignore Damilola, Grace and Croline, even though we still used to talk and meet, but then, gradually our closeness diminished, for there was a paradigm shift from upper Mozambique hall of residence to lower Mozambique hall of residence as P4 became my most visited room, all thanks to Felicia.
I and Felicia did almost everything in common, including praying together whenever there was need for it, we used to go to market together, we used to jointly buy food stuff and of course she did most of the cooking, although there are times we did cook together, which always created a fun atmosphere in her room to the point that they used to call us husband and wife.
“Are you guys dating?” a roommate asked me one day when we were busy cooking Eba and Okro in her room.
“Are we?” I immediately turned the question to Felicia, who to my greatest surprise said…
“Yes we are!” she said excitedly. I was shocked as the whole room cheered and shouted for joy. I was just there dumbfounded with nothing to say. Could she be sarcastic with that statement? Or she really meant it, either ways, it will pay me. I stepped out of the room to get us drinks at the canteen directly in front of the room to make the food tastier, after all, Meals taste better with coke. I was on my way back to the room when I heard the most shocking statement of my life or maybe not the most shocking but one of the most.



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